
dev-main 2021-04-09 16:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-10 01:07:51 UTC


If you want to create awesome documentation for developers, this package is for you.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require dreitier/awesome-documentation-blade-directives


Highlighting source code

This package uses scrivo/highlight.php to create highlighted source code.


Creates a <link rel="stylsheet" /> with the given style and version if provided.

@highlightStyle("atelier-heath-dark" /* style, optional */, "9.12.0" /* version, optional */)


Highlight a given source code file.

  • $path can be something like 'view:$path_in_laravel_views_folder' or a custom prefixed path
  • $language can be any supported language by highlight.js
@highlight('view:documentation/samples/flow.php' /* path */, 'php' /* language, optional */)

@beginHighlight / @endHighlight

Highlight inline source code

@beginHighlight('php' /* language, optional */)
$a = 1;
$b = 2;
echo "$a + $b = " . ($a + $b);

Diffing files

This package uses jfcherng/php-diff to create diffs between two strings.


Create inline CSS style to apply for the diff result.



Renders a previously created JSON diff:

$jsonDiff = \Dreitier\Documentation\Blade\Facades\Differ::calculate('old', 'new', 'Json' /* default, optional */);
@diffEncodedJson($jsonDiff, $render = null, $rendererOptions = null, $mergeOptions = false)


Renders a previously created array diff:

@diffArray($diff, $render = null, $rendererOptions = null, $mergeOptions = false)

Create a diff

You can easily create a diff between two files by using the facade:

$encodedJson = \Dreitier\Documentation\Blade\Facades\Differ::calculateFiles('view:samples/v1.php', 'view:samples/v2.php', $renderer = 'Json', $differOptions = null, $mergeDifferOptions = false, $rendererOptions = null, $mergeRendererOptions = false)

As you can see, you can use the prefix format of the static content locator (see below) to easily reference files.


Highlighting source code

Setting highlight.js options

You can configure the used highlight.js options by using the facade:

Set default language

If you want to set another default language than PHP, you can use setDefaultLanguage:


Diffing files

You can use the following methods to configure the default options of jfcherng/php-diff:


Static content locator

Register a new static content locator

This one comes handy if you want to reference source code or samples from other places, like composer packages:

\Dreitier\Documentation\Blade\Facades\StaticContentLocator::register('my-composer-package', function($path) {
    return base_path('vendor/my-namespace/my-composer-package/samples') . '/' . $path;
@highlight('my-composer-package:subdir/sample_1.json', 'json')