
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

A TYPO3.CMS project encapsulating the website www.van-tomas.

3.6.14 2017-04-29 11:31 UTC


A TYPO3.CMS project encapsulating the website www.van-tomas.de

Build status

Build Status

Table of contents


To run the project locally, make sure you have installed VirtualBox and vagrant.

Please activate ssh agent forwarding and SSH key authentification on the remote server if you want to make use of database/file syncing or rsync deployment.

The provision, build, downsync and deploy processes uses ansible. Please ensure it's installed on your host machine.


  • VirtualBox ~5.0.10
  • vagrant ~1.7.4
  • ansible ~1.9.4

.env file

The project is operating with environment files in order to separate code from configuration. See the file .env.dist shipped with this project, adjust to your needs and ensure it will be available from the project root directory.

For more information, read the Config section of the "The Twelve Factor App" manifest. For a controversial consideration, please read Environment Variables Considered Harmful for Your Secrets.


~ $ php composer.phar create-project -s dev dreadlabs/vantomas
~ $ cd vantomas
~ $ vagrant up

Hint: to re-run provision, you can do so by executing one of the following commands:

~ $ vagrant provision


~ $ ansible-playbook ./.ansible/playbooks/provision.yml


~ $ ansible-playbook .ansible/playbooks/build.yml


The release defaults to Pull releases with Travis.

You can Push release if you're not using a Continuous Integration system.


Please read the Release Inventory chapter and make sure you created proper inventory groups as they are important also for downsyncing data from remotes.

After that you're able to downsync database and files with the following command:

~$ ansible-playbook .ansible/playbooks/downsync-data.yml -i .ansible/inventories/nicknack_<testing|production>

You can split the process further down with using tags targeting a specific part of the downsync:

~$ ansible-playbook .ansible/playbooks/downsync-data.yml -i .ansible/inventories/nicknack --limit <production|testing> [-t <database|files>]

Import via:

~$ .script/console db -h db <Database name> -e "SET names 'utf8'; SOURCE /app/data/db/<dump name>.sql;"

Running phinx migration from cli

The phinx.yml makes usage of the environment variables described in the .env file section. To source the variables and execute phinx you can issue one of the following commands:

# posix shell
# The -a switch exports all variables, so that they are available to the program.
# @source: http://serverfault.com/a/540484
~ $ sh -ac '. ./.env; vendor/bin/phinx command [options] [arguments]'

# bash
# @source: http://stackoverflow.com/a/30969768
~ $ bash -c 'set -o allexport; source .env; vendor/bin/phinx command [options] [arguments]'


Evaluate integration of http://serverfault.com/a/316100 (ssh-keygen / ssh-keyscan for ~/.ssh/known_hosts)

How to...

  1. ...see what hosts would be affected by a playbook before I run it?

    ansible-playbook playbook.yml --list-hosts

  2. ...compare remote and local directory to check rsync deployment

    diff <(ssh user@host ls -R /path/to/remote/folder/) <(ls -R /path/of/local/folder/) > diff.log

  3. ...get the latest annotated tag which targets only the current commit in the current branch?

    git describe --exact-match --abbrev=0


The following directories and their contents are Copyright Thomas Juhnke. You may not reuse anything therein without my permission:

  • src/vantomas/Resources/Public/Images/ (except child folders)

Photo credit src/vantomas/Resources/Public/Images/sleeping-kittens.jpg:

sleeping kittens by Jimmy B, CC licensed

All other directories and files are GPL v2 Licensed. Feel free to use the HTML and CSS as you please. If you do use them, a link back to http://github.com/dreadwarrior/vantomas would be appreciated, but is not required.