
PHP Wrapper API for the AITS Grades API

dev-master 2018-09-27 19:22 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-28 07:46:14 UTC


PHP Library for using the AITS Grades API (contact AITS for additional details on API)


To use the library, you need to:

Include library in your program


or use composer composer require dpazuic\aits_grades


Instantiate an object of class dpazuic\aits_grades

$uin = '123456789'; 
$senderAppID = 'YOUR_SENDER_APP_ID'; // Contact AITS for this
$term = '220181'; // Optional
$gradesAPI = new dpazuic\aits_grades($uin, $senderAppID, $term); // Includin 3rd argument, term, is optional

Note: By default the third argument, term, is optional. If term is provided, the API fetches the grade information for the provided term. If the term is not provided, the API fetches the grade information for each term the student has registered courses.

Getting Results from an API call

The default response will be JSON, but you can also request the raw data which will be an array of StdClass objects.

$response = $gradesAPI->getResponse('JSON');


You can use the attached examples/cli-test.php file from the command line to test functionality. php cli-test.php YOUR_SENDER_APP_ID UIN