
Laravel Cloudflare-Tunnels Ready Production Docker-Compose

v0.7.6 2024-02-02 18:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-12 12:01:07 UTC



composer require "downtoworld/laravel-devops:*"

Publish the required files:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-devops

Example with Portainer and Cloudflare Tunnels

  • Create the Docker network cloudflared (bridge)
  • Deploy the Docker container as specified @ Cloudflare -> Zero Trust -> Access -> Tunnels -> Create a tunnel (Additionally: attach the container to the previously created network by specifying --network cloudflared)
  • Create a Git-repo based Stack @ Portainer webUI
    • At Compose path specify: docker-compose-prod.yml
    • Enable GitOps updates
    • Fill the required environment variables:
      • APP_NAME: several Laravel configurations use it for prefixing
      • APP_KEY: can be generated on your local environment
      • APP_DOMAIN: domain of the app in production Example:
      • APP_DOCKER_STACK: the name of the stack you are configuring @ Portainer. Example: mystack
      • [You can also configure here any Laravel env variables like APP_NAME or APP_DEBUG]
    • Deploy the stack
  • Add public hostnames to the tunnel @ Cloudflare:
    • Webpage (Nginx): HTTP mystack-nginx-1:80
    • S3 Storage (Minio): HTTP mystack-minio-1:9000
    • Websocket server (Soketi): HTTPS (tls-check-disabled and ws-enabled options) mystack-soketi-1:6001

Accessing private services (MySQL, Redis, etc) locally

  • Run docker run -d --name cloudflare-docker-dns --restart always --network cloudflared -e DNS_FORWARDER= cytopia/bind and copy it's assigned IP (your-assigned-ip) from Portainer UI.
  • Go to Portainer networks and copy cloudflared assigned IPV4 IPAM Subnet (your-network-ip-range)
  • Go to Cloudflare -> Zero Trust -> Access -> Tunnels and configure a new Private network at your tunnel with CIDR: your-network-ip-range
  • Go to Cloudflare Zero Trust Settings -> WARP Client -> Configure "Default" Device Settings:
    • Add a Local Domain Fallback: domain: cloudflared DNS Servers: your-assigned-ip
    • Set Split Tunnels to Include IPs and domains and add Selector: IP Address Value: your-network-ip-range
  • Give your email access at Cloudflare Zero Trust Settings -> WARP Client -> Device enrollment permissions.
  • Install Cloudflare WARP on your computer, connect it to your Zero Trust org and enable it.
  • Now you can access all your cloudflared-network-connected docker containers locally as mystack-service-1.cloudflared:port

The list of services you can access:

  • mystack-mysql-1.cloudflared:3306 User: root Password: secret
  • mystack-redis-1.cloudflared:6379 no-password
  • http://mystack-seq-1.cloudflared
  • http://mystack-minio-1.cloudflared:8900
  • http://mystack-mailpit-1.cloudflared:8025
  • http://mystack-meilisearch-1.cloudflared:7700

Environment variables

Application environment variables can be managed at docker-compose-prod.env file.

Queue and Scheduler

Scheduler and Horizon supervisors are running separately on their containers.

PHP Versions, Extensions and INI files

8.2 version is running by default but can be switched to 8.1 or 7.4 using the APP_PHP_VERSION environment variable.

Thank yous

  • Big one for Cloudflare Team for making this possible for free.
  • Portainer project made it possible with their GitOps updates.
  • ServerSideUp team made it possible with their PHP Docker images.