
Phycom ecommerce platform template

1.0.0-beta.1 2020-08-09 09:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-09 17:55:54 UTC


Ansible configuration for deployments

  • Add a target host to ansible/hosts file

  • Modify ansible/group_vars/webservers/vars.yml to suit your needs

  • Add host-specific configuration under ansible/host_vars. It can be similar to ansible/group_vars/webservers but each host should have its subfolder named as host id

  • Store all sensitive info encrypted by ansible vault

Phycom package management

If you want to update phycom package with ALL dependencies there is a shorthand script for this. The updater will run composer update inside docker container with --with-dependencies flag.

  • To update all phycom packages execute ./ with no arguments
  • To update specific package execute ./ <package-name> where package name is package you wan to update.

It is also possible to develop a package that is same time included with the project. There is a script for this purpose that does not affect composer.json file. It means you can easily push your changes to repository without having to comment out local dev package symlink params in composer.json file You can create a configuration file symlink-packages.json to root path. There you can define packages that will be symlinked.


    "double9/phycom": "/home/user/phycom"

Here the local directory /home/user/phycom will be symlinked to vendor/double9/phycom

To start the symlinking process execute ./