
1.1.3 2020-06-03 02:57 UTC


This package was created mainly for Dottystyle developers. The function of this package is to scaffold the very basic purpose of a CRUD. It creates the following:

  • Controller
  • Model
  • Resource
  • Request


  1. Install the package

     $ composer require dottystyle/laravel-crud-generator
  2. Publish vendor

     $ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Dottystyle\LaravelCrudGenerator\Providers\LaravelCrudGeneratorServiceProvider"
  3. Edit config/app.php (Add the following)

     service provider:

Using this package

  1. Building CRUD for api resources

     php artisan make:crud  ModelName --api
  2. Building a simple CRUD

     php artisan make:crud ModelName
  3. Building a simple CRUD with service

     php artisan make:crud ModelName --with-service
  4. Building a simple Service with Interface

     php artisan make:service ServiceName