
A fast, configurable and smart tool to manage metat data on your models

v1.0 2022-03-21 12:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-21 19:29:16 UTC


Extend your models with unlimited meta attributes

Build Status

Easly add meta data to your model, without change any logic. This package can gives you the ability to extend your laravel model with a configurable set of meta data. Each meta will be automatically inserted,upadted or deleted, following your model modifications and lifecycle.

Meta data will be treated exactly like attributes, so they can be cast, hidden, and have accessories and mutators available. You don't need to know any new syntax, as it is all manageable with the standard model conventions.


composer require dottwtson/laravel-model-meta

then publish config files

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=model-meta-config
File config/model-meta-types.php

Here you can set all the available meta types. You can add any kind of meta type for all your needs

return [
    // This is the identifier for the meta type
    'int' => [
        // This is the casting that will be applied on the query. %s will be replaced with the meta name
        'database_casting' => 'CAST(%s.value AS UNSIGNED)', 
        // This is the model casting, according with laravale casting
        'model_casting' => 'int'

Fill free to define all your own meta types


Here you can define all the meta data available on your model.

return [
    \My\Namespace\ModelName::class => [
        'mymeta' => ['type'=>\Dottwatson\Meta::JSON,...],
    \My\Namespace\ModelName::class => [
        'mymeta' => ['type'=>'json',...], // the type is defined in model-meta-type

You can also assign a meta list directly on the model (see below).

Implements meta on your existing model


namespace App\Models;

use Dottwatson\ModelMeta\ModelMeta;

class MyModel extends Model
    use ModelMeta;
    protected $tableMeta = 'mymodel_meta';



Define meta directly on the model


namespace App\Models;

use Dottwatson\ModelMeta\ModelMeta;

class MyModel extends Model
    use ModelMeta;
    protected $tableMeta = 'mymodel_meta';

   protected static function metaAttributes()
       return [
        'mymeta' => ['type'=>'json',...], // the type is defined in model-meta-type

For default, the meta data are relationed to the model primary key. For customize it on your needs add this in your model


namespace App\Models;

use Dottwatson\ModelMeta\ModelMeta;

class MyModel extends Model
    public static function metaReference()
        return 'my_column';



php artisan make:model-meta MyModel [meta_table_name]

This create a preset model under app\Models, and if passed, creates also the table into database

php artisan make:meta-table meta_table_name

This creates a standalone meta table ready to be used in your model according with the $tableMeta property.


No modifications are required, No extra methods are implemented. If you use the model builder,each meta will automatically be treated as if it were a column in your table.