
A simple immutable PHP array iterator.

1.0.2 2018-06-27 06:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-21 23:08:17 UTC


A simple immutable array iterator based on the native ArrayIterator class.

Minimum PHP Version Build Status License


Install via Composer:

composer require dormilich/array-list

Supported methods

  • append() → array_push()
  • asort() → asort()
  • contains() → in_array()
  • countValues() → array_count_values()
  • filter()¹ → array_filter()
  • join() → implode()
  • keys() → array_keys()
  • ksort() → ksort()
  • map()¹ → array_map()
  • natcasesort() → natcasesort()
  • natsort() → natsort()
  • prepend() → array_unshift()
  • reduce()¹ → array_reduce()
  • reject()¹ (the inverse of array_filter())
  • reverse() → array_reverse()
  • shuffle() → shuffle()
  • uasort() → uasort()
  • uksort() → uksort()
  • unique() → array_unique()
  • values() → array_values()

1 - uses key & value of the array element in the callback function

Supported functions

  • count()
  • json_encode()
  • serialize()