This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

The Unoconv php wrapper

This package has no released version yet, and little information is available.


#The Unoconv client laravel package. ##Installation:

composer require donttruthisathome/unoconv 

Add the following provider in config/app.php:

'providers' => [

##Configuration To configure the package you need to publish settings first:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Dtth\Unoconv\UnoconvServiceProvider"

then configure the package in the config/uniconv.php

Option Description
host The Unoconv server host name.


Return type Description
boolean \Unoconv::convert(string $file, string $output, $string $format) Convert a file to the given format and save to output path.



namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Dtth\Unoconv\Contracts\Unoconv;

class AppController extends Controller
    public function example(){
        $result = \Unoconv::convert(
        if (!$result) return;