
🐳 Docker containers with all required Magento 2 dependencies installed available as FPM through Nginx and CLI including New Relic and blackfire

Installs: 17

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 1

Watchers: 1

Forks: 241


1.0.3 2020-02-06 23:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-14 07:52:23 UTC


A collection of Docker images for running Magento 2 through nginx and on the command line.

Quick Start covers steps 3 through to 8 with default config

1 Install

composer create-project dominicwatts/docker-magento2 ./


git clone ./

2 Add the following entry to OS hosts file magento2.docker

3 Put the correct tokens into composer.env

cp composer.env.sample composer.env

Edit composer.env with correct environment variables

4 Put the correct tokens into auth.json

cp composer/auth.sample.json composer/auth.json

5 Put the correct tokens into newrelic.ini

cp newrelic/newrelic.sample.ini newrelic/newrelic.ini

6 Create magento folder

mkdir magento

7 Create cron log file

touch magento/var/log/cron.log    

8 Build

docker-compose up -d

Or using specific config, for example:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.src.71.yml up -d

docker-compose -f docker-compose.src.72.yml run --rm cli

docker-compose -f docker-compose.src.73.yml run --rm cli magento-command

9 Install

9. 1 Install Manually

wget -qO- | tar xfz -


wget -qO- | tar xfz -

Download, unzip and install magento from

Magento goes inside ./magento

Then run command line install or web install

 docker-compose run --rm cli magento-command setup:install --admin-firstname Admin --admin-lastname User --admin-email --admin-user admin --admin-password test123 --base-url http://magento2.docker/ --backend-frontname xpanel --db-host db --db-name magento2 --db-user magento2 --db-password magento2 --language en_GB --currency GBP --timezone UTC --use-rewrites 1 --session-save files

9.2 Install via wrapper

docker-compose run --rm cli magento-installer

This will attempt to install via composer if magento folder is empty (time consuming)

Useful commands

Command line (remove once exit)

docker-compose run --rm cli

Magento command via wrapper

docker-compose run --rm cli magento-command

docker-compose run --rm cli magento-command cache:clean

Install extension via wrapper

docker-compose run --rm cli magento-extension-installer --package-name=dominicwatts/clearstatic Xigen_ClearStatic

Check instances

docker ps

docker-compose ps

Restart instances

docker-compose restart

Optional configuring of mailhog


composer require mageplaza/module-smtp

Store > Configuration > Mageplaza > SMTP

  • host: mail
  • port: 1025
  • protocol: none
  • authentication: plain
  • username/password: [blank]


Configuration is driven through environment variables. A comprehensive list of the environment variables used can be found in each Dockerfile and the commands in each bin/ directory.

  • PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT - The memory limit to be set in the php.ini
  • UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE - Upload filesize limit for PHP and Nginx
  • MAGENTO_RUN_MODE - Valid values, as defined in Magento\Framework\App\State: developer, production, default.
  • MAGENTO_ROOT - The directory to which Magento should be installed (defaults to /var/www/magento)
  • COMPOSER_GITHUB_TOKEN - Your GitHub OAuth token, should it be needed
  • COMPOSER_MAGENTO_USERNAME - Your Magento Connect public authentication key (how to get)
  • COMPOSER_MAGENTO_PASSWORD - Your Magento Connect private authentication key
  • COMPOSER_BITBUCKET_KEY - Optional - Your Bitbucket OAuth key (how to get)
  • COMPOSER_BITBUCKET_SECRET - Optional - Your Bitbucket OAuth secret
  • DEBUG - Toggles tracing in the bash commands when exectued; nothing to do with Magento`
  • PHP_ENABLE_XDEBUG - When set to true it will include the Xdebug ini file as part of the PHP configuration, turning it on. It's recommended to only switch this on when you need it as it will slow down the application.
  • UPDATE_UID_GID - If this is set to "true" then the uid and gid of www-data will be modified in the container to match the values on the mounted folders. This seems to be necessary to work around virtualbox issues on OSX.

A series of sample docker-compose.yml files are is the repo

CLI Usage

A number of commands are baked into the image and are available on the $PATH. These are:

  • magento-command - Provides a user-safe wrapper around the bin/magento command.
  • magento-installer - Installs and configures Magento into the directory defined in the $MAGENTO_ROOT environment variable.
  • magento-extension-installer - Installs a Magento 2 extension from the /extensions/<name> directory, using symlinks.
  • magerun2 - A user-safe wrapper for n98-magerun2.phar, which provides a wider range of useful commands. Learn more here

It's recommended that you mount an external folder to /root/.composer/cache, otherwise you'll be waiting all day for Magento to download every time the container is booted.

CLI commands can be triggered by running:

docker-compose run cli magento-installer

Shell access to a CLI container can be triggered by running:

docker-compose run cli bash


All images have sendmail installed for emails, however it is not enabled by default. To enable sendmail, use the following environment variable:


Note: If sendmail has been enabled, make sure the container has a hostname assigned using the hostname field in docker-compose.yml or --hostname parameter for docker run. If the container does not have a hostname set, sendmail will attempt to discover the hostname on startup, blocking for a prolonged period of time.

Implementation Notes

  • In order to achieve a sane environment for executing commands in, a docker-environment script is included as the ENTRYPOINT in the container.

xdebug Usage

To enable xdebug, you will need to toggle the PHP_ENABLE_XDEBUG environment variable to true in global.env. Then when using docker-compose you will need to restart the fpm container using docker-compose up -d, or stopping and starting the container.

Creating a docker image

New Relic image

Assuming your docker hub repository is domw/magento2-php-newrelic

cd php/newrelic/7.1-fpm

docker login

docker build -t domw/magento2-php-newrelic:7.1-fpm ./

docker push domw/magento2-php-newrelic:7.1-fpm

Vanilla Image

Assuming your docker hub repository is domw/magento2-php

cd php/src/7.2-fpm

docker login

docker build -t domw/magento2-php:7.2-fpm ./

docker push domw/magento2-php:7.2-fpm


Then edit docker-compose.yml to load your new image

    hostname: magento2.docker
    image: domw/magento2-php:7.1-fpm
    restart: 'always'
      - 9000
      - db
      - appdata
      - ./global.env

Elastic Search

ES Service

    image: elasticsearch:6.8.6
      - bootstrap.memory_lock=true
      - "ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx512m"
      - discovery.type=single-node
      - ./elasticsearchdata:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data
      - 9200:9200
      - 9300:9300

ES Monitor (Kibana)

    image: elastic/kibana:6.8.6
      - search
      - SERVER_NAME=search:9200
      - ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS=http://search:9200    
      - 5601:5601

Notes: kibana:6.x compatible with 6.x ES

ES with Magento

To configure Magento to use Elasticsearch:

Log in to the Magento Admin

Stores > Settings > Configuration > Catalog > Catalog > Catalog Search.

From the Search Engine list, select the correct Elasticsearch version 6. 

Elasticsearch Server Hostname: search

Elasticsearch Server Port: 9200

ES Debugging





Note: search reindex creates magento2_product_1_vx indices

- magento2_product_1_v1
- magento2_product_1_v2


New Relic

Verify daemon

ps -ef | grep newrelic-daemon


/etc/init.d/newrelic-daemon status

start / stop / restart

/etc/init.d/newrelic-daemon start

/etc/init.d/newrelic-daemon stop

/etc/init.d/newrelic-daemon restart

Config file

/newrelic/newrelic.ini => /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/newrelic.ini

run install

newrelic-install install

Configure within Magento

Stores > Configuration > General > New Relic Monitoring


This is experimental method to get docker web root up to date with git remote

cd git

git init --bare

Configure remote


push branch to remote

Confirm post-receive hook details


Test hook

sudo chmod 777 ./magento -R

Wide open for local development only

sh git/hooks/post-receive

This triggers with variables set in hook

If process gets stuck

rm deploy.lock

Stack Problems

MySQL cannot connect error prior to magento install

docker-compose down -v

rm mysql/data -R 

docker-compose up -d

Wait a few mins whilst db initialise

Useful Alias's

alias cli='docker-compose run --rm cli'
alias magento-command='docker-compose run --rm cli magento-command'
alias dcud='docker-compose up -d'
alias dcdv='docker-compose down -v'
alias dreload='docker-compose down -v; docker-compose pull; docker-compose up -d'
alias installer='docker-compose run --rm cli magento-extension-installer'