
Create translatable resource routes

1.0 2016-01-23 15:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-12 05:08:00 UTC


Create translatable resource routes for laravel


Run the following command:

composer require doitonlinemedia/translatableroutes "dev-master"

Next add the following provider to your app.php in the config folder under 'providers':


And add this line to 'aliases' in the same file:

'TranslatableRoute' => Doitonlinemedia\Translatableroutes\TranslatableRouteFacade::class

Finally run composer dump-autoload


From now on you can use it like this in your route file:

TranslatableRoute::resource('recipe', 'recepten', 'RecipeController');

Grouping these routes still works!

You can also use it like:

TranslatableRoute::resource('recipe', trans(''), 'RecipeController');

This way you will have different routes in different language, but always named the same. So if you use route('recipe.index') you'll always return the to the right page no matter what language.

Do not forget to set your locale to specific language you need e.g. \App::setLocale('nl')


Alt text


For now this package supports the English (default) and Dutch language.