Salesforce ToolKit for Laravel maked by DoIT Cloud Consulting

0.0.2 2019-04-30 06:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 04:43:34 UTC


Salesforce ToolKit for Laravel maked by DoIT Cloud Consulting

Getting Started

Thank you so much for the interest on the package, is very interesting to us keep a community open source to Salesforce integrations. The work on the package is sponsored by DoIT Cloud Consulting and to company is importatn get your feedback, please contact us throught the official page to duds or questions.


In this tutorial we take for granted that you have installed PHP and composer. Create a laravel project, run the next commands:

$ composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel SalesforceConnectionProject
$ cd SalesforceConnectionProject


After you have a laravel project you will need run the command to install our package:

composer require doitcloudconsulting/salesforce

Wait a moment and you see on the composer.json a new element:

 "require": {
        "doitcloudconsulting/salesforce": "^0.0.0",

Now is necessary add the service providers, go to config/app.php and add the next line in the providers array:


To init session is neccesary add some parameters and a file wsdl, set the credentials on the config file app/SalesforceConfig.php . You will must run the next command to see the file on the config folder.

$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config

####### Result #######

Copied File [/myProject/DoITCloudConsulting/Salesforce/src/config/SalesforceConfig.php] To [/config/SalesforceConfig.php]

Set the credentials

return [

    | Data Access
    | Set credenctials to login on salesforce platform.

	'Username' => '********',
	'Password' => '**********',
	'Token' => '******************************',

Now export the demo file to connect through a wsdl. It will show a file wsdl into config/partner.wsdl.xml, just you need replace it. Run the next command:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=wsdlconfig

Go to Settings >[find box write] API > Download Partner / Enterprise then you will download a file xml that must be replaced inside of config/partner.wsdl.xml

Depending of connection type selected, in config/SalesforceConfig.php you must set what type connection you want use.

    | WSDL 
    | To connect to salesforce definition objects is necessary set a connect 
    | mode, partner or enterprise is the options. Download the WSDL from 
    | Salesforce > Settings > API. Click on the option that you need and 
    | replace the files demo on the package.

    'Mode' => 'partner',

Running some examples:


$salesforce = new Salesforce();
$salesforce->insert(array('Name' => 'DoIT Acc FROM ToolKit'), 'Account');


$salesforce = new Salesforce();
$salesforce->update(array('Name' => 'DoIT Acc ', 'id' => '001f400000yNY0LAAW'), 'Account');


$salesforce = new Salesforce();
$salesforce->delete(array('001f400000yNY0LAAW', '001f400130TMY0L5AW', ...));


$salesforce = new Salesforce();
$salesforce->delete(array('001f400000yNY0LAAW', '001f400130TMY0L5AW', ...));


$salesforce = new Salesforce();
	array('Name' => 'Acc1'),
	array('Name' => 'Acc2'),
	array('Name' => 'Acc2', 'Phone' => 192837465, 'id' => '001f400000yNY0LAAW'),
	), 'Account');


$salesforce = new Salesforce();
$salesforce->query('select Id, Name from Account limit 10');

Search / SOSL

$salesforce = new Salesforce();
$salesforce->sosl('Find {doit} Returning Account(name), lead(name, phone)');

Convert Lead

$salesforce = new Salesforce();

$lead = $salesforce->insert(
        array('lastname' => 'Homerito Hernández', 
              'Email' => '', 
              'Phone' => 1234588892, 
              'Company' => 'DoIT Cloud Consulting'
          ), 'Lead');

$salesforce->convertLead($lead->id, 'Closed - Converted');

Describe Global (sObject of objects custom and standard with properties).

$salesforce = new Salesforce();

Describe layout

$salesforce = new Salesforce();

Describe SObject

$salesforce = new Salesforce();

Get me all updated

$salesforce = new Salesforce();
$salesforce->getMeAllUpdated('Case', '08-04-2019', '30-04-2019');

Get me all Deleted

$salesforce = new Salesforce();
$salesforce->getMeAllDeleted('Case', '08-04-2019', '30-04-2019');

Built With

  • Carbon - A simple PHP API extension for DateTime.
  • Sublime Text - A sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose
  • PHP Toolkit Salesforce - The PHP Toolkit provides an easy-to-use wrapper for the
  • PHP - PHP is a popular general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to web development.
  • SOAP Project - Web Service


  • Hugo Hernández - Initial work - Linkedin

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the LGPL-2.0-only License - see the file for details