
Table output for PHP scripts (CLI, CSV, etc)

v2.0.0 2023-10-08 23:00 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-13 05:11:47 UTC



  • Nice table output of data rows
  • Columns adjust to data size
  • Data manipulators for fields, formats raw data to a nice display output
  • Colors! When specifying a color, choose from these strings: blue, red, green, yellow, black, magenta, cyan, white, grey
  • Support for multi-line values.

Installing via Composer

# Install Composer
curl -sS | php

Next, run the Composer command to install the latest stable version:

composer.phar require tnelson-doghouse/php-table

After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';


Class documentation

See the tests folder for some examples, but basically here's how to use it:

use \PHPTable\Format\HumanOnly;

// $data used below is an array of rows with fields. See tests/data.php for an example.

$tablemaker = new \PHPTable\Factory();
$table = $tablemaker->make('human-only');
$table->addField('First Name', 'firstName',    false,                               'white');
$table->addField('Last Name',  'lastName',     false,                               'white');
$table->addField('DOB',        'dobTime',      new \PHPTable\Manipulator\Base('datelong'));
$table->addField('Admin',      'isAdmin',      new \PHPTable\Manipulator\Base('yesno'),    'yellow');
$table->addField('Last Seen',  'lastSeenTime', new \PHPTable\Manipulator\Base('nicetime'), 'red');
$table->addField('Expires',    'expires',      new \PHPTable\Manipulator\Base('duetime'),  'green');


These are the manipulators provided in the package:

  • dollar: Formats 12300.23 to $12,300.23
  • date: Formats unix timestamp 1372132121 to AU date 25-06-2013 (because I'm an Aussie mate)
  • datelong: Formats unix timestamp 1372132121 to 25th June 2013
  • time: Formats unix timestamp 1372132121 to 1:48 pm
  • datetime: Formats unix timestamp 1372132121 to 25th June 2013, 1:48 pm
  • nicetime: Formats unix timestamp 1372132121 to one of the following, depending if it falls on Today or Yesterday or earlier:
    • Today, 1:48 pm
    • Yesterday, 1:48 pm
    • 25th June 2013, 1:48 pm
  • duetime: Formats unix timestamp to x years x days x hours x minutes x seconds
  • nicenumber: Formats 123456 to 123,456
  • month: Formats unix timestamp 1372132121 to June
  • year: Formats unix timestamp 1372132121 to 2013
  • monthyear: Formats unix timestamp 1372132121 to June 2013
  • percent: Formats 54 to 54%
  • yesno: Formats a boolean value to Yes or No
  • text: Strips HTML from the value before returning

If you want to create your own manipulators:

class MyManipulator extends \PHPTable\Manipulator\Base {
	public function chucknorris($value)
		return 'Chuck norris said: ' . $value;

$tablemaker = new \PHPTable\Factory();
$table = $tablemaker->make('human-only');
$table->addField('First Name', 'firstName',    false,                               'white');
$table->addField('Last Name',  'lastName',     false,                               'white');
$table->addField('DOB',        'dobTime',      new \PHPTable\Manipulator\Base('datelong'));
$table->addField('Admin',      'isAdmin',      new MyManipulator('chucknorris'),    'yellow');
$table->addField('Last Seen',  'lastSeenTime', new \PHPTable\Manipulator\Base('nicetime'), 'red');
$table->addField('Expires',    'expires',      new \PHPTable\Manipulator\Base('duetime'),  'green');


This manipulator allows for fixed-width columns; it can clip or wrap, as desired.

$wrapper = new \PHPTable\Manipulator\TextWidth(
	max_width: 30,
	wrapping: 'clip',


Currently supported formats are:

  • human-only (HumanOnly): Pretty, aesthetically pleasing, but not machine readable; uses ANSI Escape sequences for colour, etc
  • half-human (HalfHuman): Like a Unix command; in a table, but should be somewhat machine readable (specifically, columns split on space should work). Not well done yet, but works in some cases
  • csv (CSVTable): Outputs to a CSV file

The advantage of using the Factory is that the format can then be eg. a string passed on the command line, so that people can choose to have their report in eg. human-readable or CSV.