
Magento 2 Bootstrap source integration

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Forks: 1

Open Issues: 1



0.1.16 2022-12-29 14:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 05:02:08 UTC


License Magento

This Magento 2 module provides a full integration of Bootstrap 4 's sources.

This is not a porting!

It uses dnafactory/module-scss to integrate the official Bootstrap 4 package so it can be built with your Magento 2 theme configuration.


The extension must be installed via composer:

composer require dnafactory/module-bootstrap
php bin/magento module:enable DNAFactory_Bootstrap
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

How to use CSS

By default, the extension will deploy a DNAFactory_Bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css build based on all Magento .less lib values defined in your active theme. So, if you want to change some theme specific style as can be the primary color, you can do it by simply editing @theme__color__primary in your css/sources/_theme.less file, as usual.

However, you can change these values or add other custom variables using one or more of the extension points provided:

  • source/scss/themes/_extends.scss where you can put your custom scss vars and other useful stuff, which we will cover later in this document.
  • source/scss/_extends.scss where you can put Bootstrap-specific customizations in scss
  • source/scss/_extend.scss module related extension file, for small customizations.

Well, what if I'm working on a custom theme?

Just put your .less theme variables file reference in source/scss/themes/_extends.scss:

// @vars_import 'source/my_marvellous_theme/_variables.less';

or, when your variables file is stored in a theme-level directory (most common case):

//@vars_import (lib) 'relative_path_to_theme_base_css_dir/_variables.less'

For example, using

//@vars_import (lib) '../../_variables.less'

from view/frontend/web/css/source/scss/themes/_magento.scss, it will point to YourVendor/YourTheme/your_locale/css/source.

Refer to dnafactory/module-scss's doc, for more info about the @vars_import directive.

How to use JS

Bootstrap js plugins are designed to run on demand and they can be requested using these aliases:

  • bs.alert
  • bs.button
  • bs.carousel
  • bs.collapse
  • bs.dropdown
  • bs.modal
  • bs.popover
  • bs.scrollspy
  • bs.tab
  • bs.toast
  • bs.tooltip

Simply add the required plugin to your module's dependencies.

Note for Developers

To update one or more dependencies (as Bootstrap or popper.js) to the latest one, just use npm as needed and then run:

npm run update-src

Happy Coding