
2.0.1 2022-07-07 14:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-07 20:51:52 UTC


This migration allows one to define the desired 'state' of rbac item structure.

A multidimensional array is used to define how the desired item structure should look after the migration.

Following the style of puppet config, the main attribute defining the desired or expected state of an item is the ensure parameter.

Since this type of migration change security related data, it is recommended to rather define a defensive configuration.


composer require dmstr/yii2-rbac-migration

Example usage


use dmstr\rbacMigration\Migration;
use yii\rbac\Item;

class m000000_000000_my_example_migration extends Migration {

    // define default params for al items
    public $defaultFlags = [
        'ensure' => self::PRESENT,
        'replace' => false,

    public $privileges = [
            'name' => 'Role1',
            'type' => Item::TYPE_ROLE,
            'description' => 'My custom description',
            'ensure' => self::PRESENT,
            'replace' => true,
            'children' => [
                    'name' => 'permission1',
                    'type' => Item::TYPE_PERMISSION,
                    'rule' => [
                       'name' => 'Rule0',
                       'class' => some\namespaced\Rule::class
                    'name' => 'permission2',
                    'type' => Item::TYPE_PERMISSION,
                    'ensure' => self::MUST_EXIST
                    'name' => 'Role1',
                    'ensure' => self::PRESENT,
                    'children' => [
                            'name' => 'permission3',
                            'type' => Item::TYPE_PERMISSION
            'name' => 'permission3',
            'type' => Item::TYPE_PERMISSION,
            'ensure' => self::ABSENT

config params per privilege item

  • default params for all items are defined via protected $_defaultFlagsStruct array
  • default params can be defined/overridden per migration instance via public $defaultFlags
  • params which are set directly at the items have the highest priority

defined params are merged per item.

param value required default description
name string yes null rbac item name
type Item::TYPE_ROLE or Item::TYPE_PERMISSION no Item::TYPE_PERMISSION rbac item type
ensure see ensure flags no self::NEW ensure state of the item after and before migration
replace boolean no false weather item will be updated if exists
rule array no none array of name, class properties that will be used as rule for this item
description string no none description property of the item

valid flags for ensure param

flag desc
self::NEW new item will be created, error if already exists
self::MUST_EXIST item must exist, error if not
self::PRESENT ensure item exists, if replace == true update/replace, otherwise leave as is
self::ABSENT if item extists item will be removed. Handle with care!

hints for self::ABSENT

  • If defined as item param, the item will be removed regardless of its position.
  • So if you define ensure => self::ABSENT in child items, NOT only the child relation but the item will be removed!
  • if auth items are defined in DB and the auth tables has FK with cascade, child relations for this item may be deleted by the db.

hints for rules

  • if defined rules are assigned to item "by name".
  • if not exists it will be created with the given class property.
  • if rule with given name already exists and replace is set to true, rule will be updated, otherwise existing rule will be used.

deprecated item params

the params _exists and _force are deprecated but still valid and will be replaced with new params scheme

deprecated param converted to
_exists 'ensure' => self::MUST_EXIST
_force 'ensure' => self::PRESENT, 'replace' => true

shortcut syntax for mass assignments

to be able to quickly define mass assignments a special shortcut syntax where item is just a string can be used. The string will be set as item['name'] property, all other params are used from (defined) defaults.


    public $defaultFlags = [
        'type'    => Item::TYPE_PERMISSION,
        'ensure'  => self::MUST_EXIST,
        'replace' => false,
    public $privileges = [
            'name'        => 'PublicationEditor',
            'type'        => Item::TYPE_ROLE,
            'ensure'      => self::PRESENT,
            'replace'     => true,
            'description' => 'Create, edit, delete publication items.',
            'children'    => [


These auth migrations can not be reverted.

Built by dmstr