
A Restful api

1.1.0 2017-11-28 17:07 UTC


composer require dking3876/simple-rest-api


An htaccess file should be set up to ensure CORS is enabled. The below is an example of a usuable configuration

<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header add Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
Header add Access-Control-Allow-Headers "Origin, Content-Type, X-Auth-Token , Authorization, x-requested-with"
Header add Access-Control-Allow-Methods "PUT, GET, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS"
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . index.php [L]


in your main file you can set up your configuration as an array and pass that array to the API constructor.

$api = new SimpleRESTAPI\API($config);

The configuration array has the following indexes

  • connection: For holding database credentials
  • base: for setting a base path for your api allowing the use of versioning for different endpoints
  • response: type of default response heade
  • socket: for use with websockets
  • paths: an array of url paths, request methods and responses


Simple REst api can help hold credentials for connection to database. These credentials can than be accessed as static properties \SimpleRESTAPI\API::$DBCreds->{host|port|database|username|password}

$config = array(
    "connection" => array(
        "host"  => "localhost",
        "port"  => "",
        "database"  => "",
        "username"  => "",
        "password"  => ""


This is the starting base path for the api. This path is used to help version your api.

$config = array(
    "base"  => "/api/v2/"


The default response header for all requests. You can override this by ....

$config = array(
    "response"  => 'Content-Type: application/json'


SimpleRESTAPI comes with a built in websocket. You can set a callable method for the following events

  • onOpen: fires when a client makes a connection. A reference to the socketClass and the clientID used for the duration of the client session are passed as arguments. (\SimpleRESTAPI\WebSocket $socket, $clientId)
  • onMessage: fires when a client sends a new message. A reference to the socketClass, the clientId sending the message, the message data, and the length of the message are passed as arguments. (\SimpleRESTAPI\WebSocket $socket, $clientId, $data, $dataLength)
  • onTick: fires for each connected client, for each loop/tick (a tick is apx 8-12 seconds). A reference to the socketClass and the clientID for the current 'tick' are passed as arguments. (\SimpleRESTAPI\WebSocket $socket, $clientId)
  • onClose: Fires when a client disconnects from the service. A reference to the socketClass, the clientId disconnecting, and the disconnect status are passed as arguments. (\SimpleRESTAPI\WebSocket $socket, $clientId, $status)
$sample = function(\SimpleRESTAPI\WebSocket $socket, $clientId, $status){

$config = array(
    "socket"    => [
        "host"  => "",
        "port"  => "9002",
        "events"    => [
            "onOpen"  =>array('Test\\testing\\test_socket_controller', 'testOpen'), 
            "onMessage"   => 'Test\\testing\\test_socket_controller::testMessage',
            "onTick"    => function(\SimpleRESTAPI\WebSocket $socket, $clientId){

            "onClose"     => $sample


Paths are an array of path arrays defined to know how to route the request. A path definition consists of:

  • path: the defined path using regex. Some examples are provided below

          'path'  => '^projects/?$`
          'path' => '^projects/(?P<project_id>[^/]*)/?$`

    You can define paths using named subpatterns for path regex definitions

  • Request Method and callable function: This defintion provideds the function to call for the matchedd request method. The callable can be any of the following examples.

          'GET'       => function($params, $tokens){}
          'HEAD'      => $myNamedFunction
          'POST'      => 'MyNameSpace\\MyClass::$myStaticMethod'
          'PATCH'     => array('MyNameSpace\MyClass', 'myMethod')
          'PUT'       => array($myInstantiatedObject, 'myMethod')
          'DELETE'    => ($params, $tokens)=>{}

An array of GET,POST parameters is passed as the first argument to your function. An array of url Tokens ((?P<project_id>[^/]*) would equate to $tokens['project_id'])

Main Script

Once you have set up your configuration array simply pass the configuration as the argument for the constructor of the api.

$config = [
    'connection'    => ...
    'paths' => array(...)
$loader = require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
$api = new SimpleRESTAPI\API($config);

echo json_encode($api->response()); //used to encode the response to json.