
There is no license information available for the latest version (3.0.1) of this package.

Handle user-uploaded images in Laravel

3.0.1 2021-08-24 23:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 07:46:46 UTC


This package is incomplete


  • run composer require serosensa/user-image-handling @dev
  • run php artisan vendor:publish --tag=userimage-js-assets
  • add require('./user-image/userImageApp.js') to the main app.js file before the main vue instance is created but after vue is required
  • run php artisan vendor:publish --tag=userimage-sass-assets
  • add @import "user-image/user-image" in the vendor section of your main scss sheet (after your settings but before any custom styling)

Usage & Functionality

  • This package ships with a number of default routes and a default UserImageController
  • You may use these default routes and associated methods, or copy the relevant method from UserImageController and modify as required.
  • If you choose to create your own controller, you can still utilise useful methods from the ImageService. To access methods from eg the ImageService, extend the UserImageBaseController class MyImageController extends UserImageBaseController
  • Uploading an image is considered as a separate step from creating a database record of the image. Ensure both steps are completed so that images can be retrieved.

###Default Behaviour

Image Upload

Use the file-upload-fetch component, posting to fetch-image-upload and using UserImageController@fetchImageUpload Component receives json of file data including location and emits event file-upload to its parent //TODO use v-model to pass this nicely It is the responsibility of the parent to catch this event and use the data as appropriate (eg creating a database record)

Saving an image record

Pass the fileData generated by file-upload-fetch to ImageService@saveImageRecords; Will save image records to the default UploadedImages table (see further info in this readme). You may pass a model name (eg Article) to tie the image to a specific related model in the database.

Upload and save record

The method UserImageController@fetchImageUploadAndRecord handles both these steps by combining the functionality above. Simply create a route to this method and set the post-url on file-upload-fetch to this route.

Upload an Image (Async)

Upload a file and receive json which can be used to request the image from the server

  • Use the file-upload-fetch vue component Props
    • postUrl (optional: default /fetch-file-upload)
    • NOT USED - fileDest - a writeable folder within the public disk
    • NOT USED parentIdentity (array: parent model, id) - used to ensure that the correct vue parent comp catches the event. Not used in controller
    • multiple (optional: default false)
  • Displays a file-upload input
  • the controller reached by the postUrl should save the image file to storage. The method ImageService@fetchImageUpload does this and returns json. See ImageService Methods
  • Expects to receive json with file data after upload.
  • TODO display the uploaded files in this component, plus existing uploaded files (optional)
  • Emits an event file-upload to event bus with parentIdentity and fileData on successful upload. Parent can catch and use this data //TODO Add this data to parent with v-model instead

Upload an Image (Post) (Not full tested)

  • Use a regular file upload field posting to a controller.
  • The controller may use ImageService@imageUpload to rename and resize the file, and ImageService@saveImageRecords to create database records in the UploadedImages table (see ImageService Methods)

Save / Store an Image Record

  • Once an image is uploaded, save a record of it to the relevant database table
  • The data returned from ImageService@imageUpload may be used for this
  • A default uploaded_images table is created by this package (see Image Storage & Retieval)
  • The ImageService@saveImageRecords method can be used to save records to the default table (see ImageService Methods)
  • There is also a default model for uploaded images (see Default UploadedImages Model)
  • Alternatively, save a record to another table as required
  • Images uploaded via the file-upload-fetch component will by default return the image data to the parent form. Create database records in the controller saving the parent form. Alternatively, set the file-upload-fetch postUrl to a controller which creates database records directly

ImageService Methods


params - request object - destination for files - name of field containing images (optional, default: images) - width to downscale image files to (optional, default: 2000px) Must be run once per file input field in the form Accepts either single or multiple images per file input. Does not run validation - validate before calling Returns array of file data, even if only 1 file in the field


Uses ImageService@imageUpload - same params Validates the image(s) Returns json of file data (TODO handle multiple files per field)


//TODO not tested Saves image records to the default UploadedImages table. params - uploaded image data (single image) - parent model object (optional, default:null) Uploaded images data is expected to contain details such as filename and path. The data returned from ImageService@ImageUpload is suitable Accepts an array of images, or a single image TODO does this work? is testing to see if image data is an array, but won't a single image still be an array? alt text below Accepts the data for a single image - should be run within a foreach loop for processing multiple images If a parent was sent, saves the name of the parent model and the parent Id to the image record. Else, these are null. Returns array of records, or single record


Processes the data sent by the image-editor component params - image instance (retreive the image in the calling controller and pass through) - request object Returns json of image data to be used by the component

Image Storage and Retreival

Default UploadedImages table

//TODO - have to manually copy the migration, not working in package Stores a record of image data Used by ImageService@saveImageRecords Optionally related to a parent model and id - this can be used to retrieve images from the table, eg by calling UploadedImage::where(parent_model, 'article') or UploadedImage::where('parent_model', 'article')->where('parent_id', $parentId) Alternatively, store the id from this table in a pivot table to be accessed by any other model as required. It is also

Required fields - filename - path Optional Fields - filetype - filesize - category_id - caption - is_primary (default:0) - is_shown (default: 1) - parent_model - the name of the model which represents the parent - parent_id - the id of the parent

Default UploadedImages model

Extend this model to add any additional functionality required - class MyUploadedImageModel extends Serosensa\UserImage\UploadedImage. Sets dates and guarded on created_at and updated_at fields

  • methods?

Display / Edit Existing Images

Image-display Component

  • Use the image-display vue component for each image (eg with v-for) Props - image
  • Displays the image and associated data
    • use slot info-panel-default to override default data
    • use slot info-panel-extra to add additional data
    • also has a default slot outside of the info panel

Image-editor Component

  • within the image-display component, add the image-editor component Props
    • image,
    • postUrl (without image id or '/')
    • categories (optional)
  • Allows for:
    • changing is_shown value
    • changing is_primary value
    • updating the caption
    • rotating the image
    • setting a category (optional via slot)
  • Displays an edit button, with a modal to edit the image. Has some default options and a number of slots
    • slot title
    • slot fields-default displays the default edit fields. Override this if required.
    • slot categories if a category selector is required. If used, set slot-scope="categoriesScope"
    • slot fields-extra for any additional fields
    • slot label_is_primary
    • slot label_is_shown
    • slot label_caption
    • slot subtext_caption additional text below the caption Validation should be carried out in the controller / custom request as normal. On validation fail, laravel returns a json array of errors, which the editor window will display alongside the appropriate fields.
<image-display :image="{{$image}}" :categories="{{$propertyImageTypes}}" class="">

    <image-editor class="" :image="{{$image}}" post-url="{{route('propertyImageUpdate', $image->id)}}" :categories="{{$propertyImageTypes}}">

        <div slot="title" class="title">Edit Image</div>

Image Editor Categories

To display a category selector within the imageEditor:

  • pass an array of categories the categories prop on image-editor
  • each category must have at least an id and a name. The component generates a categoryName using the 'name' field of each category
  • ensure the image has a category_id field
  • add slot-scope="categoriesScope" to the element utilising the slot, which allows sharing of data between the slot and the parent. The example below creates radio buttons to select a category:
<div slot="categories" slot-scope="categoriesScope" class="form-row">

    <label for="">Image Type:</label>

    <span v-for="category in categoriesScope.categories">
        <label for="category_id">{{ }}</label>
        <input type="radio" :value="" v-model="categoriesScope.model.category_id">


Field-errors Component

  • use the field-errors component alongside any field that may return an error
  • displays all errors for a given field
  • pass in the errors object and the name of the field to display errors for
<field-errors :errorObject="errors.is_primary"></field-errors>

Fuller details

//TODO - some of this is superceeded by the above / needs updating

JS files (vue / general frontend)

  • The file userImageApp.js registers all vue components provided by the package,
  • Export this file by running php artisan vendor:publish --tag=userimage-js-assets - this will export all js files to resources/assets/js/user-image.
  • WARNING if these files are directly modified as they may be over-written on package updates. To force an update and overwrite files, add --force to the publish command
  • Require this file in the applications' main app.js require('./user-image/userImageApp.js'); before the main vue instance is created but after vue is required


  • include the _user-image.scss sheet in your main sass file. Include this before your own style sheets so that you can easily override the styling
  • Publish this file by running php artisan vendor:publish --tag=userimage-sass-assets - this will export scss files to resources/assets/sass/user-image


  • All icons in this package have the class image-editor-icon
  • Icons can be re-coloured by setting values for $user-image-icon-color-1 and $user-image-icon-color-2 - set these values before pulling in the vendor style sheets (eg in settings) to override the defaults. Some icons will only use color1.
  • You may also override styles by class to style icons in different contexts
  • Icons exist as js files in /vendor/serosensa/icons which are pulled in by each template as required

Image Uploads - via ImageService

  • the ImageService handles all aspects of image file uploads
  • it must be passed the $request from the form in which image files were uploaded
  • the service can handle multiple images being uploaded per field
  • the service can handle multiple file upload fields per form if unique field names are set
  • each upload field can have its own destination folder
  • destination folders should be .gitignored as they will change on the server independently of source code
  • the imageService saves files to the 'public' disk defined in config/filesystems. If this is the /app/public folder, files saved here are publicly visible via their url / filename

File Destinations / Writeable folders

Folders in which uploaded files are to be saved must be writeable. To do this, chmhod -R 777 public/foldername

Image Upload forms

  • Forms containing file uploads must have enctype="multipart/form-data or the parameter files => true (if using LaravelCollective forms)
  • To upload multiple images per field, add multiple to the field and [] to the field name in the view file

Default Field names - one file upload field only

  • by default, the ImageService@imageUpload function expects an upload field named images. This default can be used if there is only one upload field in the request, or an alternative name can be used and passed to the service.

Custom Field names - one or more file upload fields

  • the ImageService must be called once PER UPLOAD FIELD
  • the file upload fields must have unique, custom names, eg thumbnail

Image Upload in Controller

  • See the ExampleController in the /examples directory for an example controller function
  • The ImageService handles most of the image manipulation - the controller must simply call the ImageService, pass values, and save the resulting data.
  • uploaded files should be validated (to ensure are correct image filetypes) before imageService@imageUpload is called. This package includes an IsValidImageRequest which you may use. This will return an errorbag isValidImage if validation fails.
  • if imageService is mistakenly called with no files in the request, it will return null rather than generate an error
  • the ImageService always returns a nested array of images data - regardless of number of files uploaded. Loop this array to extract data for each image.

ImageService@imageUpload Functionality

  • Once Called, the imageservice:
  • loops each image
  • renames if a file by the same name already exists
  • saves the file to the specified folder (after stripping any leading /, as this causes issues with saving the resized file)
  • resizes the file to the specified max width (unless is an svg)
  • returns an array containing a data array for each image
  • this returned data should then be processed as required by the calling function - for instance, saving the filename to the database

Image Rotation

  • The image-editor component pulls in the image-rotation component, but this is also available separately.
  • The image-rotation component should be passed the database id of the image being editied, eg <image-rotation :image-id=""></image-rotation>
  • when a rotation button is clicked, the component emits an event which is collected by the editor and used to transform the image preview.
  • a rotation value is added to the imageData and therefore passed to the controller where it can be used. See ExampleController for a demo - the ImageService handles the actual rotation, so this functionality can be called anywhere.
  • When edits are saved, the image-display component catches the event emitted from the image-editor. This triggers a reload from disk of the updated image, so any changes (including rotation and any others which may be enabled in future) are reflected in the displayed image
  • the image-editor component also reloads the image from disk and resets the rotation value, so it is 'fresh' when it is next loaded
  • the reload from disk is accomplished by setting the src of the image to a versionedImage data object. This is set to the orignal filename on load, but overwritten by calling the makeVersionedImage() function whenever the image should be updated (eg on save of edits). This function appends a random version number to the end of the filename, causing a reload


  • Add form / styles package as a dependency (replace existing includes in this package?)
  • IsValidImageRequest not properly tested - fetch file uploads validated in ImageService@fetchFileUpload

Useful References