
A very fast and simple CLI framework

v7.1.0 2023-05-05 11:28 UTC


A simple CLI framework with options for multiple sub-commands loaded as classes. In order to implement a command into an exisiting class you will just need to add two methods: getCommand and runCommand - and then add the object or the class to an instance of the class MinimalCli.


composer require diversen/minimal-cli-framework

Example usage

src/EchoTest.php is a command class containing a single command echo and a couple of options.

This command is added to a simple program in demos/example.php

In order to get help on the usage of the command echo:

php demos/example.php echo --help

Put a file in uppercase:

php demos/example.php echo --up README.md

Or (shorthand):

php demos/example.php echo -u README.md

Which also will output the file in uppercase


Some common CLI Utils.

See demos/utils_test.php

php demos/utils_test.php 

Colors are supported with https://github.com/php-parallel-lint/PHP-Console-Color

License: MIT