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v1.2.4 2024-04-22 16:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-22 16:39:47 UTC



Perform periodic fixity checks on selected files.

This module defines a new content entity type fixity_check. This entity is used as an audit trail for fixity checks performed on a related file entity. Wherein the revisions of the fixity_check record the results of previous checks against that file entity.

This modules requires and enforces the following constraints on fixity_check entities:

  • Must be related to a file
  • file relations must be unique
  • file relation cannot be changed after creation
  • performed and state properties cannot be modified after creation.

Users with the permission Administer Fixity Checks can:

  • Manually perform checks
  • Manually remove fixity_check entities and their revisions
  • Manually mark files as requiring periodic checks
  • Generate fixity_check entities for all previously existing files

Users with the permission View Fixity Checks can:

  • View fixity audit log of Media entities

A cron hook is setup to automatically mark files as requiring periodic checks. As well as performing those checks on a regular basis. Email notifications can be configured to alert the selected user of the status of all performed checks on a regular basis or only when an error occurs.


This module requires the following modules/libraries:


The module can be configured at admin/config/fixity.


A number of drush commands come bundled with this module.

$ drush dgi_fixity:clear --help
Sets the periodic check flag to FALSE for all files.
$ drush dgi_fixity:generate --help
Creates a fixity_check entity for all previously created files.
$ drush dgi_fixity:check --help
Perform fixity checks on files.

  --fids[=FIDS] Comma separated list of file identifiers, or a path to a file containing file identifiers.
                The file should have each fid separated by a new line. If not specified the modules settings
                for sources is used to determine which files to check.
  --force       Skip time elapsed threshold check when processing files.


Install as usual, see this for further information.

Additionally after this module is first enabled, you will need to generate fixity_check entities for all pre-existing file entities. This does not require that the checks are performed, only that one fixity_check entity exists for every applicable file entity in the system.

This can be done with drush:

drush dgi_fixity:generate

Or via the admin form on the page admin/config/fixity/generate.


Having problems or solved a problem? Contact discoverygarden.


Current maintainers:



If you would like to contribute to this module create an issue, pull request and or contact discoverygarden.
