
Laravel Nepal Address Seeder - Get Migration And Seeder For Nepal's Province, Districts And Local Levels.

1.0.1 2024-12-17 03:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-17 03:31:51 UTC


Laravel Nepal Address Seeder Package

Laravel Nepal Address Seeder

Latest Stable Version Total Downloads License

This Laravel package allows you to add Province, District and Local Levels of Nepal.


Install Using Composer

composer require dipesh79/laravel-nepal-address-seeder

Publish Vendor File For Migration And Configuration File

php artisan vendor:publish

And publish Dipesh79\LaravelNepalAddressSeeder\NepalAddressServiceProvider

Run Migration

php artisan migrate

Config File

Set the configuration in the nepal_address_seeder.php file in the config directory.


return [
     * Province Model.
     * This is the model that will be used to seed the provinces.
    'province' => '\Dipesh79\LaravelNepalAddressSeeder\src\Models\Province',

     * Province Name in the database.
     * This is the column name in the database where the province name will be stored.
    'province_name' => 'name',

     * Opt in if you want to add capital in the database.
     * This will add the capital of the province in the database.
    'add_province_capital' => false,

     * Province Capital in the database.
     * This is the column name in the database where the province capital will be stored.
    'province_capital' => 'capital',

     * Opt in if you want to add no of districts in the database.
     * This will add the no of districts in the province in the database.
    'add_province_no_of_districts' => false,

     * Province No Of District in the database.
     * This is the column name in the database where the province no of districts will be stored.
    'province_no_of_districts' => 'no_of_districts',

     * District Model.
     * This is the model that will be used to seed the districts.
    'district' => '\Dipesh79\LaravelNepalAddressSeeder\src\Models\District',

     * District Name in the database.
     * This is the column name in the database where the district name will be stored.
    'district_name' => 'name',

     * Local Level Model.
     * This is the model that will be used to seed the local levels.
    'local_level' => '\Dipesh79\LaravelNepalAddressSeeder\src\Models\LocalLevel',

     * Local Level Name in the database.
     * This is the column name in the database where the local level name will be stored.
    'local_level_name' => 'name',

     * Opt in if you want to add wards in the database.
     * This will add the wards in the local level in the database.
    'add_local_level_wards' => false,

     * Local Level Wards in the database.
     * This is the column name in the database where the local level wards will be stored.
    'local_level_wards' => 'wards',



You can use your own model, or you can model from our package.

Province Model

NOTE: If you are using our model, make sure you have soft delete column in your migration. If you are using our published migration, then we already have it.


namespace Dipesh79\LaravelNepalAddressSeeder\Models;

use bootstrap\LaravelNepalAddressSeeder\src\Models\District;use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes;

class Province extends Model
    use SoftDeletes;

    public $timestamps = true;
    protected $guarded = [];

    protected $table = 'provinces';

    public function districts(): HasMany
        return $this->hasMany(District::class);

District Model


namespace Dipesh79\LaravelNepalAddressSeeder\Models;

use bootstrap\LaravelNepalAddressSeeder\src\Models\LocalLevel;use bootstrap\LaravelNepalAddressSeeder\src\Models\Province;use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes;

class District extends Model
    use SoftDeletes;

    public $timestamps = true;

    protected $guarded = [];

    protected $table = 'districts';

    public function localLevels(): HasMany
        return $this->hasMany(LocalLevel::class);

    public function province(): BelongsTo
        return $this->belongsTo(Province::class, 'province_id');

Local Level Model


namespace Dipesh79\LaravelNepalAddressSeeder\Models;

use bootstrap\LaravelNepalAddressSeeder\src\Models\District;use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes;

class LocalLevel extends Model
    use SoftDeletes;

    public $timestamps = true;

    protected $guarded = [];

    protected $table = 'local_levels';

    public function district(): BelongsTo
        return $this->belongsTo(District::class, 'district_id');


Database Seeding

You can seed the database using the following command. Before seeding, make sure you have the correct model in your configuration file.

php artisan nepal-address:seed

Now you can use the data in your database.

V 0.0.4 Update

Now you can add a flag to the command.

Import Province Only

php artisan nepal-address:seed --province

Import District Only

php artisan nepal-address:seed --district

Import Local Level Only

php artisan nepal-address:seed --local-level

Force Seed

Use this flag to force seed the data. This will not ask for any prompt.

php artisan nepal-address:seed --force


  • Wards Count





For support, email dipeshkhanal79@gmail.com.