
Component manager

Installs: 125

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


v1.1 2017-09-21 10:08 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-26 02:53:25 UTC



  1. Install via composer
  2. Activate plugin
  3. Configure grunt


A component folder should be placed in the theme-directory following this structure:

└── components
    ├── SomeComponent
    │   ├── assets
    |   |   └── some-jpgs-or-whatever.jpg
    │   ├── component.php
    │   ├── one-or-more-less-files.less
    │   ├── one-or-more-coffee-files.coffee
    │   ├── view.php
    │   └── _somePartialView.view.php
    └── SomeOtherComponent
        ├── component.php
        ├── one-or-more-less-files.less
        ├── one-or-more-coffee-files.coffee
        └── view.php

Every component will have their short-code registered and vc_mapping set up.


A VCComponent have the following structure:

namespace Component;

class Text extends \DigitalUnited\Components\VcComponent
    // This is a VC-mapping array
    // https://wpbakery.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=524332

    protected function getComponentConfig()
        return [
            'name' => __('Text', 'components'),
            'description' => __('Standard textmodul', 'components'),
            'params' => [
                    "type" => "textfield",
                    "holder" => "div",
                    "class" => "",
                    "heading" => __( "Headline", "components" ),
                    "param_name" => "headline",
                    "value" => "",
                    "description" => ""
                    "type" => "textarea_html",
                    "holder" => "div",
                    "class" => "",
                    "heading" => __( "Content", "components" ),
                    "param_name" => "content",
                    "value" => "",
                    "description" => ""

    // If you want to you can have diferent views for deferent cases.
    // If you do you can override the following method.
    // If view is not specified they will be rendered in the following
    // order: [view].view.php, view.php
    // default is __DIR__.'/view.php'
    protected function getViewFileName() {
        return parent::getViewFileName();

    // Before the parameters of the components is sent to rendering
    // you may modify their values here
    protected function sanetizeDataForRendering($data)
        return $data;
    // If you want to change what kind of element is rendered
    // You could override this method
    protected function getWrapperElementType()
        return 'div';

    // Add classes to the wrapping element. Should be an array
    // If a param named view exists it will be added automaticly
    protected function getExtraWrapperClasses()
        return $this->param('headline') ? ['has-headline'] : ['no-headline'];

    // Add attribute to the wrapper. if 'class' is specified it will be merged in
    // with classes from getExtraWrapperClasses
    protected function getWrapperAttributes()
        return ['href' => 'myhref foobar', 'role' => 'button'];

    // May be used to implement logic such as post-type registering or whatever
    public function main()

A Standard component have the following structure:

namespace Component;

class Sidebar extends \DigitalUnited\Components\Component
    // Return key value pair with the accepted parameters for this
    // view file
    protected function getDefaultParams() {
        return [
            'param1' => 'default value1',
            'param2' => '',
            'view' => 'default',

    //Same as a VcComponent
    protected function getViewFileName() { ... }
    protected function sanetizeDataForRendering($data) { ... }
    public function main() { ... }


In the views, all values returned from "sanetizeDataForRendering" will be accessible.

eg. ['foo' => 'bar'] will be available like

<?= $foo // outputs 'bar' ?>

You may also use the component class, referenced as $component. eg:

<?= $component->myFancyPublicFunction() ?>

You may use separate view files depending on the $view-param, if "view" param is specified, $view.view.php will be rendered. Default: view.php

It is possible to split a view file into partials:

<?= $component->renderPartial('_listItem') // renders _listItem.view.php ?>

Less and coffe, assets

Could be handled with with Grunt/gulp or whatever. See https://github.com/digitalunited/roots for example