
Software License Server for WooCommerce

Installs: 2

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 3

Forks: 1

Open Issues: 7


1.1.1 2023-11-13 03:53 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-28 05:01:49 UTC


This is the class file required to be included with your plugin or theme to provide license and update checks.


Install the SDK using the composer package manager.

composer require digitalduz/slswc-client

Then use the client as follows for a plugin:

$license_server_url = '';
$license_details = array(
    'license_key' => 'LICENSE_KEY', // Required
    'domain' => 'THE_CURRENT_DOMAIN', // Optional: will default to WordPress site url.
    'slug' => 'plugin-slug', // optional. Will use plugin text domain. Must be the product slug on license server.

$plugin = Plugin::get_instance( $license_server_url, __FILE__, $license_details );

$license_server_url - Is the domain of the license server. $base_file - Is the plugin main file for a plugin or the theme root folder for the theme $license_details - Is an array of license details. May include plugin details if not set in plugin headers.

Example for plugins:

$plugin = Plugin::get_instance( 'http://example.test/', __FILE__, $license_details );

Example for themes:

$license_details = array(
    'license_key' => 'THE_LICENSE_KEY'

$theme =  Theme::get_instance( 'http://example.test/', WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/themes/theme-directory-name', $license_details );

Activating the license

This is an example of how to activate the license. You can hook this to a form save after saving the license key.

// Example of how to update the plugin. Run this on a hook.
if ( $plugin->license->get_license_status() !== 'active' ) {

Plugin headers.

The client also searches for additional theme or plugin headers for information about the plugin, these headers are as follows:

  • SLSWC - Specifies whether this is a plugin or theme and it is also used to distinguish SLSWC plugins/themes from others.
  • Documentation URL - Link to documentation for this plugin or theme
  • Required WP - Minimum version of WordPress required
  • Compatible To - Maximum compatible WordPress version

Here is a full example of how to use this in a plugin:

 * Plugin Name  : Test Plugin Name
 * Plugin URI   :
 * Description  : Basic WordPress plugin to test Software License Server for WooCommerce
 * Text Domain  : text_domain
 * Author URI   :
 * License      :
 * Version      : 1.0.0
 * Author       : Author Name
 * Domain Path  : /languages
 * SLSWC        : plugin
 * Documentation URL:
 * Required WP  : 5.8
 * Compatible To: 5.8.1

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Digitalduz\Slswc\Client\Plugin;

function test_slswc_client_for_plugin() {
    $license_server_url = '';
    $license_details = array(
        'license_key' => 'LICENSE_KEY', // Required
        'domain' => 'THE_CURRENT_DOMAIN', // Optional: will default to WordPress site url.
        'slug' => 'plugin-slug', // optional. Will use plugin text domain. Must be the product slug on license server.

    $plugin = Plugin::get_instance( $license_server_url, __FILE__, $license_details );

add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'test_slswc_client_for_plugin', 11 );

And for a theme:

Put this in functions.php

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Digitalduz\Slswc\Client\Theme;

function theme_slswc_client() {
    $license_details = array(
        'license_key' => 'LICENSE_KEY',        // Required
        'domain'      => 'THE_CURRENT_DOMAIN', // Optional: will default to WordPress site url.
        'slug'        => 'plugin-slug',        // optional. Will use plugin text domain. Must be the product slug on license server.
    $theme = Theme::get_instance(
        WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/themes/theme-folder-name',
add_action( 'wp_loaded', 'theme_slswc_client', 11 );

Add this to style.css

Theme Name  : Theme Name
Theme URI   : https://example.test/themes/your-theme-name/
Author      : Author Name
Author URI  : https://example.test/
Description : Software License Server for WooCommerce Test Theme
Version     : 1.0
License     : GNU General Public License v2 or later
License URI :
Tags        : blog, two-columns, left-sidebar
Text Domain : test-theme
SLSWC       : theme
Documentation URL: https://example.test/docs/test-theme
Tested WP   : 5.8
Requires WP : 5.8.1