
dev-master 2014-03-23 13:49 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-13 13:39:15 UTC



What is Assetie?

Assetie is my laravel package for managing assets in Laravel 4. It uses Kris Wallsmith's great Assetic for it's minifying and compressing of asset files.

This package is still wip, that means it is in an early stage and needs much work that has to be done until Assetie can be used in a production environment!

Why another Asset Management Package for Laravel 4?

I tried several products over time and wasn't happy with them at all.

All I've wanted was a package which would be easy to use, clean and fast at the same time.


  1. Require Assetie by adding it to the "require" key of the composer.json file:

     "dhardtke/assetie": "dev-master"

    Run "composer update" to update all your dependencies and install Assetie.

  2. Include Assetie in your Laravel project by adding it to the app's config:

    In app/config/app.php:

    • 'Dhardtke\Assetie\AssetieServiceProvider' to the 'providers' array
    • 'Collection' => 'Dhardtke\Assetie\Facades\Collection' to the aliases array

That's it! Now you can start managing your assets.


Run php artisan config:publish dhardtke/assetie from the command line in your Laravel installation directory to publish Assetie's config file.

Then you can edit app/config/packages/dhardtke/assetie/config.php as follows:


'filters' => array(
	'.min.js' => array(
	'.min.css' => array(
		new \Assetic\Filter\CssRewriteFilter,
		new \Assetic\Filter\PhpCssEmbedFilter
	'.js' => array(
	'.less'	=> array(
	'.css' => array(
		new \Assetic\Filter\CssRewriteFilter,
		new \Assetic\Filter\PhpCssEmbedFilter

Add specific Assetic filters to certain extensions. See the appropriate Assetic filters overview for more details.


'directories'    => array(
	'javascripts'	=> 'assets/javascripts',
	'stylesheets'	=> 'assets/stylesheets'

These are the directories where Assetie will look for it's JavaScript and Stylesheet-Files. If you want to change them, you can do it here. These paths are relative to the app path.

Build Path

'build_path'    => 'builds',

If you want, you can change the directory where Assetie will store it's builds. By default it is set to app_public() . /builds, but if you want you can change it here.

This path is always relative to the public path of Laravel


Create a file called collections.php next to your routes.php. That file will be automatically included by Assetie and holds your Asset Collections.

Define your first collection

To create your own, first collection you have to use the following code inside of your collections.php:

Collection::addCollection("base", function($collection) {

You can now start using this collection by calling this function in your template (typically in your <head>):

{{ Collection::stylesheets("base"}}
{{ Collection::javascripts("base"}}

Defining a collection that uses the base collection

If you now want to have a new collection that inherits the base collection, you can do it like this:

Collection::addCollection("portal", function($collection) {