
Simple wrapper class for cPanel UAPI.

1.0 2021-04-26 05:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-21 01:54:58 UTC


Simple wrapper class for cPanel UAPI. It uses php magic methods to make simple interface.


UAPI accesses the cPanel interface's features.

How cPanel API Works


How this class works ?

This class creates methods on the fly using php magic method __call() to construct methods you call.

Usage is very simple you copy exact cPanel API module name from the cPanel endpoint and add word Module to it then call it as php method.

Example: EmailModule()

Then you copy exact cPanel API method name and call it as php method.

Example: add_mx()


composer require dezento/cpanel-api


For example you want to list all domains under cPanel account you can copy endpoint from the official documentation.


All you need to do then is to add word Module to the module name and call it as method,


and then write cPanel method name as php method.


use Dezento\CpanelApi;

$cpanel = CpanelApi::setCredentials("cPanelUrl", "cPanelUser", "cPanelPassword")
        ->DomainInfoModule() // cPanel module
        ->list_domains() // cPanel Function

If you need to send some parameters you can use setQueryParams() method which accepts array as input.

use Dezento\CpanelApi;

$cpanel = CpanelApi::setCredentials("cPanelUrl", "cPanelUser", "cPanelPassword")
        ->DomainInfoModule() // cPanel module
          'domain' => '',
          'return_https_redirect' => 1 
        ->single_domain_data() // cPanel Function