dez-php / phalcon-auth
Auth Component for Phalcon 2 Framework
2016-06-08 21:09 UTC
- php: >=5.5
Auth Component for Phalcon 2.x Framework
Register Auth in dependency injection container
include_once '../vendor/autoload.php'; $container = new \Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault(); $container->set('auth', function(){ // Pass session adapter into Auth $auth = new \PhalconDez\Auth\Auth( new \PhalconDez\Auth\Adapter\Session() ); // Pass empty instance of Credentials Model implement PhalconModel $auth->setCredentialsModel( new \PhalconDez\Auth\Model\Credentials() ); // Pass empty instance of Session Model implement PhalconModel $auth->setSessionModel( new \PhalconDez\Auth\Model\Session() ); // Run initialize $auth->initialize(); return $auth; });
and then fetch auth from container
/** @var \PhalconDez\Auth\Auth $auth */ $auth = $container->get('auth');
try{ $auth->authenticate('', 'qwerty'); }catch (\Exception $e){ echo "You have some errors: {$e->getMessage()}"; }
creating new credentials
try{ $auth->authenticate($email, $password); }catch (\Exception $e){ $auth->create($email, $password); $container->get('response')->redirect('auth-page'); }
verify password
if($auth->isUser() && $auth->getAdapter()->verifyPassword('qwerty') === true){ echo 'Password is corrected'; }
check user user authorization
if($auth->isGuest() === true){ echo 'You are non-authorized user'; } if($auth->isUser() === true){ echo 'You are authorized user'; }
get some authorized user data
if($auth->isUser() === true){ $userModel = $auth->getUser(); echo "Hello, {$userModel->getEmail()}. You was registered at {$userModel->getCreatedAt()}"; }
#Issues and pull-request
####I will be glad of your criticism, tasks, bugs and pull-request.