
This package will contain all authentication logic and functionality.

1.0.0 2020-03-31 12:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 05:55:33 UTC


Authentication package created by Dexperts.

About the authentication package

This package contains all the authentication logic and functionality. It can be imported into your laravel project with composer. This has been built up, for example, to reuse and apply login functionality.

Install the authentication package

Note: you must already have a Laravel project to import this package.

Import the package

  • create a folder named package in the root directory of your Laravel project.
  • Open the Terminal in the package folder.
  • Enter the composer create-project dexperts/authentication command in the Terminal.
  • The package is created in your package folder.

Setup the package with a route

  • Go to your routes folder and open the web.php file.
  • Import the package above in the file like this:
use Dexperts\Authentication\Auth;
  • Create a new get request named /auth. (You can copy the root / request)
Route::get('/auth/{name}', function($sName) {
    $oAuth = new Auth();
    return view('welcome', [
        'name' => $oAuth->call($sName)
  • Go to the resource/views folder and open the welcome.blade.php file.
  • Place somewhere the little piece of code in the php file:
<?= $name; ?>
  • $name is needed because the variable in the get request has been defined in the view.
  • You all set and run your project.

Enjoy :)!


The MIT License (MIT)