
0.3.0 2023-05-11 04:24 UTC


code generator


Install this package as a dependency using Composer.

"require": {
        "devs-poetadigital/laravel-api-generator": "0.1.6"
composer install 
composer require devs-poetadigital/laravel-api-generator

Generate code CRUD api with api:crud

After cloning this repository locally, execute the following commands to create a CRUD for model:

php artisan api:crud {{ model_name }} {{ action_name }} --only={{ your_action }}

model_name : the model which you want to generate code

action_name(optional): your custom action you want to generate eg: CreateWithAdminRole

your_action: it are belong in c(Create), r(Read), u(Update), d(Delete), s(Search)

eg: php artisan api:cruds Post GetAll --only=cu

Now, you are ready to develop!

Remove code with api:remove

After cloning this repository locally, execute the following commands to create a CRUD for model:

php artisan api:remove {{ model_name }} {{ action_name }} --only={{ your_action }}

model_name : the model which you want to generate code

action_name: your custom action you want to generate eg: CreateWithAdminRole

your_action: it are belong in c(Create), r(Read), u(Update), d(Delete), s(Search)

eg: php artisan api:remove Post GetAll --only=cu

Now, you are ready to develop!

Refresh Swagger for Model Dto

php artisan api:swagger {{ class_name_dto }} 

class_name_dto : the class you want to refresh

eg: php artisan api:swagger CreatePostResponseDto

Regenerate Model Dto

php artisan api:dto {{ model_name }} {{ action_name }}

model_name : the model which you want to generate code

action_name(optional): your custom action you want to generate eg: CreateWithAdminRole

eg: php artisan api:dto User Create

Create a service api by model name and action name

After cloning this repository locally, execute the following commands to create a servive api for model:

php artisan api:service {{ model_name }} {{ action_name }} {{ --query }}

model_name : the model which you want to generate code

action_name(optional): your custom action you want to generate eg: CreateWithAdminRole

--query: it support generate code with sql command

eg: php artisan api:make Post search --query

Copyright and License

The devs-poetadigital/laravel-api-generator library is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. Please see MIT for more information.

About us