
v1.0 2022-11-04 18:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-04 21:43:33 UTC


Hashing text, emoji, and English words

PHP version Project version



use command:

composer require devnull-ir/protected-string-hash


namspace: Hashing\Hash

namspace: Hashing\Hashing (Facade)

You can use it in two ways Either receive the output numerically or textually

The text output is the same as the numerical output, but with the difference that we have coded it with md5

Please note that this service only encodes Persian texts and official emojis, so for more security, use the generate method because this method is more secure.

use namespace Facade:

include_once __DIR__ . "/protected-string-hash/vendor/autoload.php";

use Hashing\Hashing;

$hashValue = Hashing::generate("Input value");

echo $hashValue;

// Output: e24c2d67cf4868090a74dfdda535c9e7

For numeric output:

include_once __DIR__ . "/protected-string-hash/vendor/autoload.php";

use Hashing\Hashing;

$hashValue = Hashing::numerical("Input value");

echo $hashValue;

// Output: 44234332352343331234234322343335250234234332343223433234332342343230

And finally check the hashed text:

include_once __DIR__ . "/protected-string-hash/vendor/autoload.php";

use Hashing\Hashing;

$hashValue = Hashing::checkHash("Input value", "44234332352343331234234322343335250234234332343223433234332342343230", true);


// Output: bool(true)

and text hash checking

include_once __DIR__ . "/protected-string-hash/vendor/autoload.php";

use Hashing\Hashing;

$hashValue = Hashing::checkHash("Input value", "e24c2d67cf4868090a74dfdda535c9e7");


// Output: bool(true)

use normal namespace:

include_once __DIR__ . "/protected-string-hash/vendor/autoload.php";

use Hashing\Hash;
$hash = new Hash();
$hashValue = $hash->generate("Input value");

echo $hashValue;

// Output: e24c2d67cf4868090a74dfdda535c9e7

For numeric output:

include_once __DIR__ . "/protected-string-hash/vendor/autoload.php";

use Hashing\Hash;
$hash = new Hash();

$hashValue = $hash->numerical("Input value");

echo $hashValue;

// Output: 44234332352343331234234322343335250234234332343223433234332342343230

And finally check the hashed text:

include_once __DIR__ . "/protected-string-hash/vendor/autoload.php";

use Hashing\Hash;
$hash = new Hash();

$hashValue = $hash->checkHash("Input value", "44234332352343331234234322343335250234234332343223433234332342343230", true);


// Output: bool(true)

and text hash checking

include_once __DIR__ . "/protected-string-hash/vendor/autoload.php";

use Hashing\Hash;
$hash = new Hash();

$hashValue = $hash->checkHash("Input value", "e24c2d67cf4868090a74dfdda535c9e7");


// Output: bool(true)

It ended so easily and beautifully


function Hashing($method, ...$args);
function str_hash(string $string): string;
function int_hash(string $string): string;
function numerical(string $string): string;
function checkHash(string $string, string $hashed, ?bool $numerical = false): bool;

use Hashing Method:


Hashing("generate", "Input value");

// Output: e24c2d67cf4868090a74dfdda535c9e7