
Official Devless SDK

v1.0.0 2016-09-26 12:44 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-17 17:34:48 UTC


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Via Composer

$ composer require devless/php-sdk 


Official Devless php sdk

Getting started

To connect to the Devless instance

use Devless\SDK\SDK;

$devless = new SDK("", "1234567abcdefghijklmnopqrst");

To add data to table

$devless->addData('service_name', 'service_table', ['name'=>'james']);

To query data from the Devless instance

$results = $devless->getData('service_name','service-table');


Also you may filter your query with :

size : determine the number of results to return

eg: $results = $devless->size(3)->getData('service_name', 'service_table');

offset : Set step in data data to be sent back

NB: This is to be used in combination with size

`` eg: $results = $devless->offset(2)->size(6)->getData('service_name', 'service_table'); ```

where : Get data based on where a key matches a certain value

eg: $results = $devless->where('name', 'edmond')->getData('service_name', 'service_table');

orWhere : Get a combination of results using a particular identifier from the table

eg: $results = $devless->orWhere('name', 'edmond')->getData('service_name', 'service_table');

orderBy : Order incoming results in descending order based on a key

eg: $results = $devless->orderBy('name')->getData('service_name', 'service_table');

To update data to table

$devless->where('id',1)->updateData('service_name', 'service_table', ['name'=>'edmond']);

To delete data from a Devless instance


Make a call to an Action Class


Authenticating with a Devless instance

$token = $devless->call('devless','login',['email'=>'','password'=>'password'])['token'];
