
shopify-resource reference field via storefront api


shopify-resource reference field via storefront api

store shopify storefront id in craft field with dropdown using shopify storefront api

use shopify products and collecitons in craft fields, highly inspired by nmaier95/craft-shopify-product-fetcher but using the shopify storefront api, therefore ids compatible with shopify buy sdk

  • send custom graphql queries to get resized images from shopify
  • async clientside queries in cp do not slow down cp rendering with mutliple product fields


This plugin requires Craft CMS 3.0.0-beta.23 or later.


To install the plugin, follow these instructions.

  1. Open your terminal and go to your Craft project:

     cd /path/to/project
  2. Then tell Composer to load the plugin:

     composer require toyflish/craft-shopify-resource
  3. In the Control Panel, go to Settings → Plugins and click the “Install” button for craft-shopify-resource.

craft-shopify-resource Overview

adds a shopify resource select field to your control panel

Configuring craft-shopify-resource

expects storefront-api credentials and locale settings to enable queries to the new shopify mutlilanguage api

return [
    'accessToken' => getenv('SHOPIFY_ACCESS_TOKEN'),
    'hostname' => getenv('SHOPIFY_HOSTNAME'),
    'hostnameOverwrite' => getenv('SHOPIFY_HOSTNAME_PUBLIC'),
    'locale' => 'en'

Using craft-shopify-resource

you can use the plugin provided query (simular to shopify buy sdks product query) or submit a custom query setup in twig

    <h2>Entry resource field with handle myResource</h2>
    shopify storefront id: {{entry.myResource}}

    <p>use product query provided by plugin</p>
    {%  set myResourceProduct  = craft.storefront.productById(entry.myResource) %}

    {% if myResourceProduct %}
        title : {{ myResourceProduct.title }}
    {% else %}
        myResource product not found
    {% endif %}

    <h2>Custom Query: list of products</h2>
    {% set query %}
        query searchProducts($term: String) {
            products(first: 250, query: $term) {
                edges {
                    node {
    {% endset %}
    {% set productsResult = craft.storefront.query(query)['products']['edges'] %}
    {% if productsResult|length %}
        <h3>Product list</h3>
        {% for product in  productsResult|map(product => product.node) %}
            <p>{{ product.title }}</p>
        {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}

Brought to you by devkai