
Cross browser <select> implementation using CSS, JQuery, and Twitter Bootstrap.

4.0.1 2020-08-13 20:04 UTC


The xqSelect package is intended to make HTML5 form selects look and act the same cross browser and platform. A jQuery plugin, CSS and Bootstrap's dropdown.js are used to style and bring additional functionality to normal select boxes.

There are a great many excellent jQuery plugins that do similar things, and credit goes to these authors for the original idea.

xqSelect is differs similar plugins in a few small ways:

  • Intentionally feature sparse to reduce size and complications.
  • Under 8KB minified - 4KB if you're only using the CSS (see below).
  • The original select box is still used, and is not hidden or moved of screen.


The documentation for xqSelect is a work in progress and will be updated as possible. For now, please see the basic demo and usage explanation below.

Usage and Demo

A basic demo may be seen on BootPly. A more complete demo should be available soon.

Usage is simple:

<div class="xq-select">
  <select id="xqSelectDemo">
    <optgroup label="Group One">
      <option value="1" data-subtext="First Thing">Item One</option>
      <option value="2">Item Two</option>
      <option value="3">Item Three</option>
      <option value="4">Item Four</option>
    <option value="5">Item Five</option>
    <option value="6">Item Six</option>
    <option value="7">Item Seven</option>
    <option value="8">Item Eight</option>

This does, of course, presume that you have included the distribution JS and CSS somewhere in your HTML page. It's recommended that stylesheet go in the <head> and the JS goes just before your closing </body> tag.

To automatically switch to a native select with most mobile devices, include the attribute data-mobile="true" in the <div class="xq-select"> tag.

Browser Compatibility

One of my biggest goals for xqSelect is cross browser compatibility. Reports on issues with a specific browser and platform are encouraged. See below for guidelines.

As of this moment, it is expected that the following browsers are fully supported:

The following browser are still expected to work:

No intention is present to support IE7, Opera 10, Safari 4, or 'ancient' versions of self-updating browsers such as Firefox and Chrome.

Mobile browsers are marked as CSS Only because their native selects should be used whenever possible to ensure the best user experience. Ideally, CSS rules will still ensure that the <select> looks uniform across browsers, but when clicked the native select will take over. See usage above for how to make this happen.

For additional browser compatibility, see jQuery Browser Support and Bootstrap Supported Browsers

* Need to find the lowest version xqSelect works with.

** Needs testing. Only CSS components are expected to work.

Bugs and feature requests

Anyone is welcome to contribute. Please read the important information below regarding opening issues!

Copyright and License

Copyright (C) 2014-2016 ExactQuery

Licensed under the MIT license.