
A Laravel package to extract data from any model to imploment it to your custom chart.

2.2 2024-06-17 10:44 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-17 10:45:35 UTC



CustomChart is a Laravel package that allows you to generate customizable chart data from your Eloquent models. It supports various aggregate functions and flexible date filtering options.

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Simple Usage

1. Generate Chart Data

This function generates the data you will need to use for any chart.


use Devhereco\CustomChart\CustomChart;

// ...

$chart = CustomChart::create(
    'Registered Users Per Day', 

return $chart;

Sample Output:

    "name": "Registered Users Per Day",
    "data": {
        "2022-12-19": 12,
        "2022-12-20": 15,
        "2022-12-21": 23,
        "2022-12-22": 52,
        "2022-12-23": 41,
        "2022-12-24": 12,
        "2022-12-25": 15,
        "2022-12-26": 73
    "this_month": 243,
    "last_month": 200,
    "this_year": 2430,
    "last_year": 2000,
    "percentage_change": {
        "this_month": {
            "value": "21.50%",
            "status": "positive"
        "last_month": {
            "value": "10.00%",
            "status": "positive"
        "this_year": {
            "value": "21.50%",
            "status": "positive"
    "total": 243


1. Require with Composer

composer require devhereco/custom-chart

2. Add Service Provider (Laravel 5.4 and below)

Latest Laravel versions have auto-discovery and automatically add the service provider. If you're using Laravel 5.4.x and below, remember to add it to the providers array in /app/config/app.php:

// ...

Available Reports and Options

The package currently supports various types of charts/reports:

Option Description
model (required) The name of the Eloquent model to take data from.
title (optional) A text title that will be passed with the data for cleaner and easier usage.
aggregate_function You can view not only the count of records but also their SUM() or AVG(). Possible values: "count" (default), "avg", "sum".
aggregate_field The name of the field to use in SUM() or AVG() functions. Irrelevant for COUNT().
filter_count Show only the last filter_count intervals (e.g., days, weeks, months, years) of the specified field.
filter_interval The interval for filtering data. Possible values: "days" (default), "weeks", "months", "years".
show_total Boolean value to show the total values for all selected intervals.
date_format The date format, by default: American format Y-m-d.

NOTE: From Laravel 8, all models are placed in a folder called Models (e.g., App\Models\...).

Example with all options


use Devhereco\CustomChart\CustomChart;

// ...

$chart = CustomChart::create(
    'Registered Users Per Day', 
    7, // Show last 7 days/weeks/months/years
    'days', // Interval type
    true, // Show total

return $chart;

Sample Output:

    "name": "Registered Users Per Day",
    "data": {
        "2022-12-19": 12,
        "2022-12-20": 15,
        "2022-12-21": 23,
        "2022-12-22": 52,
        "2022-12-23": 41,
        "2022-12-24": 12,
        "2022-12-25": 15,
        "2022-12-26": 73
    "this_month": 243,
    "last_month": 200,
    "this_year": 2430,
    "last_year": 2000,
    "percentage_change": {
        "this_month": {
            "value": "21.50%",
            "status": "positive"
        "last_month": {
            "value": "10.00%",
            "status": "positive"
        "this_year": {
            "value": "21.50%",
            "status": "positive"
    "total": 243