
PHP mini-framework for creating telegram bots.

dev-master 2020-04-29 08:47 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-14 11:46:38 UTC


cd /path/to/project
composer require devgoeth/tbot @dev

Execute migration

php yii migrate --migrationPath=./vendor/devgoeth/tbot/migrations --interactive=0


Migration create Folders and Files:



You might view example with migration.

1. Step

Edit /frontend/components/tbot/config/params.php and write your apibot token in array of params.

return [
    'token' => ''

2. Step

Set Webhook for your bot, for example.

$url = 'https://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '/test/web-hook';
$crt = './../../ssl/bundle.crt';

$bot = new \devgoeth\tbot\Base();
$bot->setWebHook($url, $crt);

And now telegram will be send data to your web-hook action

3. Step

Use web-hook in Yii controller action. Don't forget to disable csrf validation for your web-hook action

public function actionWebHook(){
    $bot = new \devgoeth\tbot\Base();

4. Step

Edit menu array for your buttons


For Example:

return [
	'noneMenuFunctions' => [
		['/start' => 'Default/start'],
		['/other' => 'Default/start'],
	'default' => [
		['The Button' => 'Default/button'],
			'The Wizard' => 'Default/wizard',
			'The Input' => 'Default/input'

Where is 'Label for Button' => 'controllerName/functionName', all function which execute whithout menu must be in 'noneMenuFunction' array

All controllers for menu array must be in tbot/controllers

Inline mode

Your can turn on inline mode in message. In tbot Controller function.

public function start(){
	return [
		'message' => 'Welcome to bot',
		'keyboard' => [
				['text' => 'Label for button', 'callback_data' => 'command']
		'inline' => true

or just link

public function start(){
	return [
		'message' => 'Welcome to bot',
		'keyboard' => [
				['text' => 'Google', 'url' => '']
		'inline' => true

Input mode

In tbot/controllers/DefaultController.php (Don't forget to create button 'The Input' => 'Default/input' in menu.php) You must add prefix Input for your function and it will be execute after main function.

public function input(){
    return [
        'message' => 'Input value, pls',
        'keyboard' => 'default',

public function inputInput(){
    return [
        'message' => 'Your value ' . $this->params->message->text,
        'keyboard' => 'default',

Wizard Mode

You can execute command from function in tbot Controllers and create step by step wizards

public function wizard(){
    return $this->base->executeCommand('Default/input');


In Controller you can use base parameter which contain all base parameters include object of TelegramBot\Api

public function myMessage(){
	$keyboard = new \TelegramBot\Api\Types\ReplyKeyboardMarkup(array(array("one", "two", "three")), false);
	$message = 'It\'s awesome';
	// $this->base->markUp = 'html' by default; 
		$message, $this->base->markUp, 
	return [
		'message' => 'Input value, pls',
		'keyboard' => 'default',

You can access previus comand's parameters.


You can send message


Also you can disappear keyboard menu. In tbot action use and next message will disappear keyboard

$this->base->visible = true;