
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

JSON-File Database For PHP

dev-master 2015-09-03 13:54 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-02-17 04:36:39 UTC



Novus is a JSON-file database for PHP. Use this package for quick prototyping and to testing your application without to configure a mysql (or other) database.

The syntax is a little like more typical sql, and not like ORM.

Warning: This package is incomplete and it miss some important features.

Get Started

  • PHP 5.4+
  • Composer

The easiest way to install Novus is via Composer. Add this to your composer.json file and run $ composer update:

  "require": {
    "devfake/novus": "dev-master"

Feature release will have a bootstrap file if you don't want to use composer.

Quick Overview

Let's see a quick overview of the syntax:

$novus = new \Devfake\Novus\Database();

// Create a new 'users' table.
$novus->table('users')->create('username, password, email');

// Add more fields.

// Insert data.
$novus->table('users')->insert('username = Arya, email =, password = n33dl3, activated = 1');

// Select all data.
$data = $novus->table('users')->select();

// Select only username and email.
$data = $novus->table('users')->select('username, email');

// Select all data from 'users' where id = 1.
$data = $novus->table('users')->where('id = 1')->select();

// Update username.
$novus->table('users')->update('username = Jon');

// Delete all data from 'users'.

// Delete all data from 'users' with soft delete.

// Remove complete 'users' file.

// Limit and order data.
$novus->table('users')->where('id > 4')->limit(5)->orderBy('id desc')->select()

First Steps

Once you have created the object, you can normally work with them.

However, there is a little rule: You must always specify which table you're working on at the beginning with table():

$novus = new \Devfake\Novus\Database();

But you can also specify directly a table for the object:

$myTable = new \Devfake\Novus\Database('myTable');

$users = new \Devfake\Novus\Database('users');
$users->orderBy('username, email')->select('username, email, date');

This way is recommended if you are working only with a few tables, or want to make your code a bit more readable. And of course, you have less to write.


You can pass a few options when you instantiate your class.

// Pass a single string to specify directly a table.
$novus = new \Devfake\Novus\Database('myTable');

// Or pass a array with conditions.
$novus = new \Devfake\Novus\Database([
  'table' => 'myTable',
  'path' => 'myPathForDatabaseFiles',
  'primaryKey' => 'Number'

The path for your database files is relative to your root folder (or where your composers vendor folder is).

The default folder is database. There are a saves folder to save your soft deletes.

The primaryKey is only needed for the create() method.

Argument Values

// First, pass a string as argument and separate the keywords with a comma.
$novus->table('users')->create('username, email, password');

// Or, pass a array as argument.
$novus->table('tableName')->create(['username', 'email', 'password']);

What is the difference? The first method is clear and fast to type.

Use the second method if you have commas in your keys. But please, i hope you have no commas (or other special chars) in your field names. The second method you will (or need) to use for insert or update data.

Create Table

Let‘s create a users table and work with them over the complete documentation. For the documentation we will work with table() to make it a little more detailed.

// Create a new file without fields.

// Create a new file with fields.
$novus->table('users')->create('field1, field2');
// Or with the array spelling.
$novus->table('users')->create(['field1', 'field2']);

And that‘s it! You need the create() method only run once.

There is a new database/users.json file. Let‘s open it:


// Format it a bit for the documentation
  "table": "users",
  "id": 1,

  "fields": [

  "data": []

So, what we have in our table? First, we have "table", this is our table name, in this case "users". Then comes our primary key, "id". They will automatically increased.

Then we have our "fields". The primary key will added by default.

And last, we have our "data". Since we have no data entered, this field is empty. As you can see, "fields" and "data" are arrays which contains other arrays.

Add Fields

$novus->table('users')->addFields('username, email');
$novus->table('users')->addFields(['username', 'email']);

Rename Fields

$novus->table('users')->renameFields('username = users, email = mail');
$novus->table('users')->renameFields(['username' => 'users', 'email' => 'mail']);

Remove Fields

The removeFields() method also deletes the associated data.

$novus->table('users')->removeFields('username, email');
$novus->table('users')->removeFields(['username', 'email']);


$novus->table('users')->insert('username = devfake, email =');
$novus->table('users')->insert(['username' => 'devfake', 'email' => '']);


// Select all data from 'users'.
$data = $novus->table('users')->select();
$data = $novus->table('users')->select('*');

// Select only username and email.
$data = $novus->table('users')->select('username, email');
$data = $novus->table('users')->select(['username', 'email']);

// Select all data from where id = 1.
$data = $novus->table('users')->where('id = 1')->select();

// Iterate over $data
foreach($data as $content) {
  echo $content['username'];


Order your output with the orderBy() method.

// Order by id ASC and username DESC.
$order = $novus->table('users')->orderBy('id asc, username desc')->select();
// Or with array spelling.
$order = $novus->table('users')->orderBy(['id' => 'asc', 'username' => 'desc'])->select();

// ASC is default passed.
$order = $novus->table('users')->orderBy('id, username desc')->select();
$order = $novus->table('users')->orderBy(['id', 'username' => 'desc')->select();

// ASC and DESC are case insensitive.
$order = $novus->table('users')->orderBy('id DESC, username ASC')->select();


1 => first_user, 2 => second_user, 3 => third_user, 4 => fourth_user, 5 => fifth_user, 6 => sixth_user, 7 => seventh_user 

These are pseudo data of the users table. With them we demonstrate the limit() method.

// Select the first three data.
$limit = $novus->table('users')->limit(3)->select();
1 => first_user, 2 => second_user, 3 => third_user

// Select the next four data after the first two.
$limit = $novus->table('users')->limit(2, 4)->select();
3 => third_user, 4 => fourth_user, 5 => fifth_user, 6 => sixth_user

// Select the last three data in reverse.
$limit = $novus->table('users')->limit(3, true)->select();
5 => fifth_user, 6 => sixth_user, 7 => seventh_user

// Select the last four data in reverse before the last two.
$limit = $novus->table('users')->limit(2, 4, true)->select();
2 => second_user, 3 => third_user, 4 => fourth_user, 5 => fifth_user

The reverse mode return the data in ASC. Use case is for example a chat.

If you don't want this, order them, for example by id.

// Select the last four data without reverse.
$limit = $novus->table('users')->limit(4, true)->orderBy('id DESC')->select();
7 => seventh_user, 6 => sixth_user, 5 => fifth_user, 4 => fourth_user

It does not matter whether the orderBy() method is written before or after limit().

Where Conditions

Warning: This method is currently very limited. It only works with select() and only one query. But i will fix it soon.

$data = $novus->table('users')->where('id = 1')->select();
$data = $novus->table('users')->where('username = Arya')->select();
$data = $novus->table('users')->where('id > 10')->select();

Use <=, >=, !=, =, > and <.


Warning: update() will currently update ALL data. I will fix it soon with where().

$novus->table('users')->update('username = newUsername, email = newEmail');
$novus->table('users')->update(['username' => 'newUsername', 'email' => 'newEmail']);

Delete And Remove

If you use delete() or remove(), novus will make a backup file in the saves folder. This folder is created in the beginning and is inside of your database folder.

Pass true as argument to avoid the soft delete.


With delete() you can remove a dataset.

Warning: This method is currently very limited and removed all data from a table. I will fix it soon with where().


With remove() you can remove a complete table file.


Last Primary Key

Return the primary key of last data. If data is empty, the method returns null.

$key = $novus->table('users')->lastPrimaryKey();

Next Primary Key

Return the primary key of next insert data.

$key = $novus->table('users')->nextPrimaryKey();

Rename Primary Key

Change your primary key of a table. This has no effect on the primary key that was defined by the options.


Last And First

$first = $novus->table('users')->first();
echo $first['username'];

$last = $novus->table('users')->last();
echo $last['username'];

Find And FindOrFail

Find data by primary key. If no data found, find() will return an empty array and findOrFail() will return an exception.

$find = $novus->table('users')->find(1);
echo $find['username'];

$find = $novus->table('users')->findOrFail(2);
echo $find['username'];


  • Finish where() conditions.
  • Types for fields.
  • Write tests.
  • Own autoloader.
  • Object access.