
PHP input validator

1.2.0 2021-12-13 09:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-13 15:11:01 UTC


this is a module for young framework

its job is input validation


composer require develhopper/young-validator



// create new instance of validator
use Young\Modules\Validation\Validator;

$validator = Validator::getInstance();

$input = [
    "username" => "develhopper",
    "email" => "",
    "password" => "password",
    "age" => 23,
    "bio" => "" // optional. not required

$rules = [
    "username" => "required|string:30", //max lenght of string
    "email" => "required|email",
    "password" => "required|string|min:8" // required string with minimum 8 characters
    "age" => "required|int|min:18|max:100",
    "bio" => "string|min:30|max:255" // not required
    "picture" => "file|types:jpg,png" // this validator is present in the young framework

$result = $validator->validate($input,$rules); // return true of false

if($result == false){
    var_dump($validator->messages); // vardump error messages of validations 

Custom validation rules

Custom Validation Class

the class must extend ValidationRule class

use Yount\Modules\Validation\ValidationRule;

class CustomValidation extends ValidationRule{
    // if $name is not present in the class the name will be the first part of class name
    protected $name = "custom_name";

    // input is the actual input and the arg is arguments passed to rule
    // for example for rule min:30 the arg is 30
    public function validate($input,$arg){
        //set custom message
        $this->message = "field {field} must be greater than $arg";
        // or
        $this->message = "field {field} must be type of {type}";

        return $input >= $arg

Loading custom validation class

$custom_validations = [

$validator = Validator::getInstance();
