
php wrapper for mysql database

V1.1 2023-12-30 19:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-30 02:00:11 UTC


DBWrapper is a php wrapper for mysql databases.


install once with composer:

composer require dev-iegomaa/php_mysql_wrapper

✒️ Don't Forget ✒️

require_once "../vendor/autoload.php";


/** first go to env.php file to set setting */
const SERVER = 'server';
const USERNAME = 'username';
const PASSWORD = 'password';
const DBNAME = 'databasename';
const PORT = 3306;

/** take instance from DB class */
use DevIegomaa\PhpMysqlWrapper\DB;
$db = new DB();

 **  Data Definition Language (DDL) **
 * Create
 * Drop
 * Alter
 * Rename

/** Create New Table */

$schema = [
    'id' => 'tinyint unsigned primary key auto_increment',
    'name' => 'varchar(20) not null',
    'serial' => 'bigint unsigned zerofill not null unique',
    'category_id' => 'tinyint unsigned not null'

$db->create('products', $schema)->query();

/** Drop Table */

// Drop One Table

// Drop More Than One Table
$db->drop(['products', 'categories', 'users', 'admins'])->query();

 ** Alter Table Methods **
 * ADD: add new item, add primary key, add foreign key.
 * CHANGE: change structure of item.
 * MODIFY: modify structure of item.
 * DROP: drop item structure.

 ** ADD Structure **
 * DataType Constraints Order.
 * By Defualt Added At The End But If You Want To Add It After Any Item Can Use order() function.
 * to add primary key or foreign key use functions [foreignKey, primaryKey]

// Make It Latest Item At The Table
    ->add('price', 'smallint', 'unsigned', 'not null')

// Make It First Item At The Table
    ->add('price', 'smallint', 'unsigned', 'not null')
    ->order(null, 'first')

// Make It After Item At The Table
    ->add('price', 'smallint', 'unsigned', 'not null')
    ->order('name', 'after')

// Add Primary Key

// Add Foerign Key
    ->foreignKey('category_id', 'categories', 'id', 'CASCADE', 'CASCADE')

 ** DROP Structure **
 * Drop index
 * Drop Primary Key
 * Drop Column Structure

/** Drop Column Structure */

/** Drop Indexes */

 * Drop Primary Key
 * if it has auto_increment ? must first delete reset auto_increment then delete primary key.


 ** MODIFY **

    ->modify('serial', 'tinyint')

    ->modify('serial', 'tinyint', null, 'AFTER id')

    ->modify('serial', 'tinyint', [
        'not null'
    ], 'AFTER name')

 ** CHANGE **

    ->change('serial', 'serial_number', 'tinyint')

    ->change('serial', 'serial_number', 'tinyint', null, 'AFTER id')

    ->change('serial', 'serial_number', 'tinyint', [
        'not null'
    ], 'AFTER name')

 ** RENAME Structure **


 ** Data Manipulation Language (DML) **

/** INSERT */

$data = [
    'id' => 1,
    'name' => 'category1',
    'serial_number' => 45,
    'category_id' => 1

 * if id auto_increment you can't write it inside data.


/** UPDATE */

$data = [
    'serial_number' => 78,

/** Signle Condition */
    ->where('id', '=', 1)

/** Signle Condition With First Function: Recommended To Use */
    ->where('id', '=', 1)

/** Multi Condition */
    ->where('id', '=', 1)
    ->andWhere('name', '=', 'category1')
    ->andWhere('category_id', '=', 1)

/** Multi Condition */
    ->where('id', '=', 1)
    ->orWhere('name', '=', 'category1')
    ->andWhere('category_id', '=', 1)

/** DELETE */

/** Delete One Record */
    ->where('id', '=', 1)

/** Delete One Record With First Function: Recommend To Use */
    ->where('id', '=', 1)

/** Delete Record */
    ->where('id', '>', 1)

/** Delete Multi Record */
    ->betweenAnd('id', [1, 10])

/** Delete All Records */

 ** Data Query Language (DQL) **

/** Select All Record */

$schema = [
    'category' => ['*']


/** Select Special Record */

$schema = [
    'category' => ['id', 'name']


/** Select Only Record */

$schema = [
    'category' => ['id', 'name']


/** Order By */

/** ASC Is Defualt You Can Write It Or Non. */

$schema = [
    'category' => ['id', 'name']

    ->orderBy(['id', 'name'])

/** DESC */

$schema = [
    'category' => ['id', 'name']

    ->orderBy(['id', 'name'], 'DESC')

/** Limit: Determine Number Of Records You Want. */

$schema = [
    'category' => ['id', 'name']


/** First: find first record ir will found at table. Recommended To use */

$schema = [
    'category' => ['id', 'name']


/** Find Record By Id. */

$schema = [
    'category' => ['id', 'name']



$schema = [
    'users' => [
    'doctors' => [

    ->innerJoin('doctors', 'doctor_id', 'user_id')


$schema = [
    'users' => [
    'doctors' => [

    ->rightJoin('doctors', 'doctor_id', 'user_id')


$schema = [
    'users' => [
    'doctors' => [

    ->rightJoin('doctors', 'doctor_id', 'user_id')

Note ✒️

 ** after insert or update or delete recommended to use $db->affectedRow() and check retrivement value if 1 it means successfully otherwise failure.*/

($db->affectedRow() === 1) ? 'DONE' : 'ERROR';