
Repository Pattern For Laravel >= 5.1.* | >= 5.2.* | >= 5.3.*

1.0.0 2016-08-26 10:23 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-16 05:01:20 UTC


Create Repository Pattern Files with a single command.


  • Require this package using composer
composer require detatech/repository-pattern:1.0.*
  • Update the $providers array in config/app.php
$providers = [
    // ... other serivce providers

  • Publish the default configuration (optional)
$ php artisan vendor:publish

You can now view the command repository:create has been listed in the artisan list. Checkout using

$ php artisan list

Once you create the file, you have to bind it to the IoC container of the application. For that, open providers/AppServiceProvider and inside the register method, paste the following code:

$repositoryFileNames = [
    // Whatever file name that you give while creating the file from
    // the terminal that same name should come here in single quotes(')

foreach ($repositoryFileNames as $key => $fileName) {
    // Notice the namespace..
    // Keep it default if you have not changed it,
    // Else, update the word _App_ with your application's namespace.

        "App\\Repositories\\Contracts\\{$fileName}Contract", "App\\Repositories\\Classes\\{$fileName}"

Failing to do the above point will give Exception:

Target [/path/to/Contract/File] is not instantiable



This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.