
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

A CD rip log checker

v0.1.11 2016-12-19 14:33 UTC


A CD rip log checker package. Currently only supports EAC rip logs.

Notice - Alpha software

This software is still very much in the alpha stage. It works as a proof of concept, but the checks that have been implemented, have been imported poorly. When you find an issue, please report it here on GitHub so it can be fixed.


  • Implement scoring based on EAC-logs parsed into Json format

  • Test Json Parser thoroughly and implement exceptions / checks for older logs.

  • Colored output in both CLI and HTML.


With Composer

$ composer require denzo/riplogchecker


Command line interface

Basic usage

$ php riplogchecker path/to/log/file.log

Output the score AND the resulting Json

$ php riplogchecker path/to/log/file.log --json

In code

/* Make sure we use the RipLogChecker class*/
use RipLogChecker\RipLogChecker;

/* Load a log file */
$logFile = file_get_contents('eac_rip.log');

/* Create new logchecker object */
$logChecker = new RipLogChecker($logFile);

/* Retrieve the log score */
$score = $logChecker->getScore();

/* Retrieve the Json */