
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

0.3 2016-11-27 10:15 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2018-12-10 16:01:52 UTC


This package allows you to save and control pids of your artisan commands in order to organize multiprocessing, support lengthy calculations, prevent more than one process run simultaneously, etc.

I use this package only for backward compability.


composer require 'denismilovanov/laravel-single-instance-command: 0.1.*@dev'


In artisan:


In command:

use \Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;

class MyCommand extends \LaravelSingleInstanceCommand\Command
    public $name = 'my-command';
    public function run(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        // long living code here:
        // Queue::subscribe('queue', function ($job) {
        // });

In shell (or crontab):

  • to start process php artisan my-command,

  • to start another process php artisan my-command p=2,

  • to stop process php artisan my-command p=2 stop,

  • to stop all php artisan pids:stop-all,

  • to remove stale pids files php artisan pids:remove.


Pids are save to /tmp/{APP_ENV}/ directory.
Stopping process is performed by sending SIGTERM to it.