
dev-master 2019-07-23 03:30 UTC

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Last update: 2024-04-23 14:00:20 UTC


基于ThinkPHP5实现【二维码生成】 严格按照TP5框架目录方式上传



QR Code

By endroid

Latest Stable Version Build Status Total Downloads Monthly Downloads License

This library helps you generate QR codes in a jiffy. Makes use of bacon/bacon-qr-code to generate the matrix and khanamiryan/qrcode-detector-decoder for validating generated QR codes. Further extended with Twig extensions, generation routes, a factory and a Symfony bundle for easy installation and configuration.

composer require deng-tp5/qr-code


$url = '';
create_qrcode($url);        //  引用commmon里的方法 

 * 生成二维码公共方法
 * @param $url
 * @return \Endroid\QrCode\Response\QrCodeResponse
 * @throws \Endroid\QrCode\Exception\InvalidPathException
 * @author:  deng    (2019/7/17 16:04)
function create_qrcode($url)
    $condition['text'] = $url;
    return QrCodeDeng::createQrcodeAdvanced($condition);


 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: 12155
 * Date: 2019/7/18
 * Time: 14:27

namespace DengTp5;

use Endroid\QrCode\ErrorCorrectionLevel;
use Endroid\QrCode\LabelAlignment;
use Endroid\QrCode\QrCode;
use Endroid\QrCode\Response\QrCodeResponse;

class QrCodeDeng
     *  基础用法
     * @param $text
     * @param $a
     * @return QrCodeResponse
     * @throws \Endroid\QrCode\Exception\InvalidPathException
     * @author:  deng    (2019/7/18 18:07)
    public static function createQrcodeBase($text = 'demo')
        $qrCode = new QrCode($text);

        header('Content-Type: ' . $qrCode->getContentType());
        echo $qrCode->writeString();

     * 高级用法
     * text             文本
     * logo_img         二维码logo
     * bottom_text      底部文字
     * size             图片大小
     * margin           logo大小
     * foreground_color 二维码颜色
     * background_color 二维码背景颜色
     * @return QrCodeResponse
     * @throws \Endroid\QrCode\Exception\InvalidPathException
     * @author:  deng    (2019/7/18 21:37)
    public static function createQrcodeAdvanced($conndition = [], $is_save = false)
        //  定义当前框架所在目录
        $rootPath = \think\facade\Env::get('root_path');

        //  引入字体文件
        $font = $rootPath.'/./vendor/deng-tp5/qr-code/assets/fonts/noto_sans.otf';
        //  引入logo图片
        $logoImg = $rootPath.'/./vendor/deng-tp5/qr-code/assets/images/logo.png';

        $text = !empty($conndition['text'])?$conndition['text']:'';
        $logoImg = !empty($conndition['logo_img'])?$conndition['logo_img']:$logoImg;
        $bottomText = !empty($conndition['bottom_text'])?$conndition['bottom_text']:'二维码底部';
        $size = !empty($conndition['size'])?$conndition['size']:'300';
        $margin = !empty($conndition['margin'])?$conndition['margin']:'12';

        //  是否传递二维码
        $foregroundColor = !empty($conndition['foreground_color'])?$conndition['foreground_color']:'0,0,0';
        $foregroundColorArray = explode(',',$foregroundColorArray);

        //  是否传递二维码背景颜色
        $backgroundColor = !empty($conndition['background_color'])?$conndition['background_color']:'255,255,255';
        $backgroundColorArray = explode(',',$backgroundColor);

        //  -------------构建参数end

        $dir = $rootPath.'/./public/qrcode/'. date('Ym');

        // 如果文件夹不存在,将以递归方式创建该文件夹
        is_dir($dir) OR mkdir($dir, 0777, true);

        $fileName = $dir.'/'.date('d').'-'.time().'-'.rand(1000,9999).'.png';


        // Create a basic QR code
        $qrCode = new \Endroid\QrCode\QrCode($text);

        // Set advanced options
        $qrCode->setErrorCorrectionLevel(new \Endroid\QrCode\ErrorCorrectionLevel(\Endroid\QrCode\ErrorCorrectionLevel::HIGH));
        //  底色
        $qrCode->setForegroundColor(['r' => $foregroundColorArray[0], 'g' => $foregroundColorArray[1], 'b' => $foregroundColorArray[2], 'a' => 0]);
        //  二维码背景颜色
        $qrCode->setBackgroundColor(['r' => $backgroundColorArray[0], 'g' => $backgroundColorArray[1], 'b' => $backgroundColorArray[2], 'a' => 0]);

        $qrCode->setLabel($bottomText, 16, $font, \Endroid\QrCode\LabelAlignment::CENTER);
        $qrCode->setLogoSize(120, 120);
        $qrCode->setWriterOptions(['exclude_xml_declaration' => true]);

        // Directly output the QR code
        header('Content-Type: '.$qrCode->getContentType());

        $writeString = $qrCode->writeString();

        if ($is_save) {
            // Save it to a file

            // Create a response object
            $response = new \Endroid\QrCode\Response\QrCodeResponse($qrCode);

        echo $writeString;exit;


QR Code



Use Composer to install the library.

$ composer require endroid/qr-code

Basic usage

use Endroid\QrCode\QrCode;

$qrCode = new QrCode('Life is too short to be generating QR codes');

header('Content-Type: '.$qrCode->getContentType());
echo $qrCode->writeString();

Advanced usage

use Endroid\QrCode\ErrorCorrectionLevel;
use Endroid\QrCode\LabelAlignment;
use Endroid\QrCode\QrCode;
use Endroid\QrCode\Response\QrCodeResponse;

// Create a basic QR code
$qrCode = new QrCode('Life is too short to be generating QR codes');

// Set advanced options
$qrCode->setErrorCorrectionLevel(new ErrorCorrectionLevel(ErrorCorrectionLevel::HIGH));
$qrCode->setForegroundColor(['r' => 0, 'g' => 0, 'b' => 0, 'a' => 0]);
$qrCode->setBackgroundColor(['r' => 255, 'g' => 255, 'b' => 255, 'a' => 0]);
$qrCode->setLabel('Scan the code', 16, __DIR__.'/../assets/fonts/noto_sans.otf', LabelAlignment::CENTER);
$qrCode->setLogoSize(150, 200);
$qrCode->setWriterOptions(['exclude_xml_declaration' => true]);

// Directly output the QR code
header('Content-Type: '.$qrCode->getContentType());
echo $qrCode->writeString();

// Save it to a file

// Create a response object
$response = new QrCodeResponse($qrCode);

QR Code

Built-in validation reader

You can enable the built-in validation reader (disabled by default) by calling setValidateResult(true). This validation reader does not guarantee that the QR code will be readable by all readers but it helps you provide a minimum level of quality.

The readability of a QR code is primarily determined by the size, the input length, the error correction level and any possible logo over the image so you can tweak these parameters if you are looking for optimal results. You can also check $qrCode->getRoundBlockSize() value to see if block dimensions are rounded so that the image is more sharp and readable.

Take note that the validator can consume quite amount of additional resources.

Symfony integration

The endroid/qr-code-bundle integrates the QR code library in Symfony for an even better experience.

  • Configure your defaults (like image size, default writer etc.)
  • Generate QR codes quickly from anywhere via the factory service
  • Generate QR codes directly by typing an URL like /qr-code/<text>.png?size=300
  • Generate QR codes or URLs directly from Twig using dedicated functions

Read the bundle documentation for more information.


Version numbers follow the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH scheme. Backwards compatibility breaking changes will be kept to a minimum but be aware that these can occur. Lock your dependencies for production and test your code when upgrading.


This bundle is under the MIT license. For the full copyright and license information please view the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.