
Yii2 Migration class

v1.0.0 2016-11-16 09:54 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-18 21:36:31 UTC


#Yii2 migration class ##Description Yii2 class Migration provide more flexibility usage interface then basic Yii2 class, so can be used instead of it. It is backward compatible with basic migration class.


This is a sample of some migration with new interface.

class m000000_000000_tbl_country extends Migration
    // common table's info
    protected $tableName = '{{%country}}';
    // structure table's info
    protected $columns = [
        'code'                      => 'CHAR(2) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY comment "ISO 3166-1 alpha-2"',
        self::COLUMN_NAME           => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL',
        'phone_country'             => 'VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL',
        'language'                  => 'CHAR(2) DEFAULT NULL comment "ISO 639-1"',
        'currency'                  => 'CHAR(3) DEFAULT NULL comment "ISO 4217"',
        self::COLUMN_ORDER          => 'INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1000',
        self::COLUMN_CREATED        => 'DATETIME NOT NULL',
    protected $indexKeys = [self::COLUMN_ISACTIVE, self::COLUMN_ORDER, 'phone_country', 'currency'];
    protected $foreignKeys = [
        'language' => [
            'refTable' => self::TABLE_LANGUAGE,
    // common table's info
    protected $insertColumns = [
    protected $insertRows = [
        ['UK',  'United Kingdom',   '44',   'EN', 'GBP'],
        ['USA', 'United States',    '1',    'EN', 'USD'],
        ['UA',  'Ukraine',          '380',  'RU', 'UAH'],



  • $tableName is a table name. REQUIRED property. You can use constants instead (see below).
  • $columns is a list of columns. REQUIRED property. 'Created' and 'Updated' columns will be added automatically.
  • $indexKeys is a list of index keys. Use simple array if you want create simple index or use associative key ('phone_country' => true) if you need to create unique key.
  • $foreignKeys is a list of foreign keys. Use simple array like foreignKeyThisTable => relatedTableName to create relation with column named id in related table or you can use associative array instead.
  • $insertColumns is a list of columns of insertion. Use it if you want insert some default data immediate after table creation.
  • $insertRows is a list of rows of insertion. Use it if you want insert some default data immediate after table creation.

You can use also some map interface to store table names in one place and use constants like self::TABLE_NAME

class m000000_000000_tbl_country extends Migration implements DbMapInterface
    // common table's info
    protected $tableName = self::TABLE_COUNTRY;

Also you can tune other options like:

  • $tableOptions
  • $isAutoAppendDateTime
  • $insertSingleColumnName
  • $insertCreatedColumnName
  • $insertUpdatedColumnName
  • $insertStatusUpdatedColumnName