
Make your Eloquent models and other content translated into multiple languages

1.0.0 2025-02-24 17:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-24 20:27:59 UTC


Translatable makes your content translatable in defined languages (locales). To sum up, the package:

  • publishes a config, that defines locales (languages) used in your project,
  • introduces a HasTranslations trait that makes your Eloquent model translatable (extending spatie/laravel-translatable),
  • introduces a WithTranslations interface that marks your Eloquent model translatable, although it will work with trait also without this interface,
  • introduces a TranslatableFormRequest class that you can use as a base class for your Request classes to extend from, which simplify the definition of the rules for translatable data.

You can find full documentation at


To develop this package, you need to have composer installed. To run composer command use:

  docker compose run -it --rm test composer update

For composer normalization:

  docker compose run -it --rm php-qa composer normalize

Run tests

To run tests use this docker environment.

  docker compose run -it --rm test vendor/bin/phpunit -d pcov.enabled=1

To switch between postgresql and mariadb change in docker-compose.yml DB_CONNECTION environmental variable:


Run code analysis tools

To be sure, that your code is clean, you can run code analysis tools. To do this, run:

For php compatibility:

  docker compose run -it --rm php-qa phpcs --standard=.phpcs.compatibility.xml --cache=.phpcs.cache

For code style:

  docker compose run -it --rm php-qa phpcs -s --colors --extensions=php

or to fix issues:

  docker compose run -it --rm php-qa phpcbf -s --colors --extensions=php

For static analysis:

  docker compose run -it --rm php-qa phpstan analyse --configuration=phpstan.neon

For mess detector:

  docker compose run -it --rm php-qa phpmd ./src,./install-stubs,./tests ansi phpmd.xml --suffixes php --baseline-file phpmd.baseline.xml