
European anonymized website analytics (GDPR)

1.0.1 2022-03-19 08:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-19 15:22:14 UTC



Anonlytics Lib PHP

In a world with all GDPR rules, an IP address is now already labeled as personal information and can therefore not just be passed on by your website/application.

That's why we introduce Anonlytics, the server side analytics tool that only works with anonymized data for website analytics.

Entirely in accordance with all the rules of the GDPR. Our servers are all located in Europe and no IP addresses are used anywhere.

This library is part of, you need a (free) account to use this bundle for your website/application.


Use composer to add the library as dependency for your project

composer require defixit/anonlytics-lib-php



At first, you need to create an account on to get your client_token and site_token to connect to our services.

After you created an account on our website you can create a file with the name anonlytics.yaml in the config/packages/ folder, with the following content:

Send data to our service


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use DeFixIT\Anonlytics\Tracker;

$tracker = new Tracker($requestArray, $yourClientToken, $yourSiteToken)

$response = $tracker->sendRequestData();

For the $requestArray you can use $_SERVER in PHP. The response will be true or else we're throwing an AnonlyticsDataNotSendException exception.