
Artisan command to handle mongo collections (list collections, delete, download, import data, etc..)

v1.5.1 2021-10-14 03:46 UTC


Artisan command to quickly check, delete, export mongo collections, and to import data.

Install package: composer require deerdama/laravel-mongo-helper.

Should work on any laravel above 5.0, I can personally confirm 5.8, 6.x, 7.x, 8.x. Feel free to let me know if you find out issues on other versions, and I'll update the info..

Available Parameters

  • The first and only argument (optional) of the command is the collection name. The rest are all options
Option Value Description
connection string Use a specific connection name instead of the default
count Output the total of matching records found in the specified collection
count_all Shows a table with all existing collections and their totals
csv ** Adding the option will export the data as csv (default is json)
delete Delete the entire content or the matching results from the collection
desc Make the sorting descending (requires --sort option)
download ** Export the results into a file
download_path ** string Download the file into a specific directory (will ignore the default config directory)
drop Completely drop the collection
dump Simply dump() the results as they are
import ** string Import into a collection data exported as json or csv
limit int When using some data retrieval method, limit the amount of results returned
list Output all existing collections
select array Retrieve only specific columns
sort string Field to use for sorting
update ** string Field to use for sorting
where ** string Where parameters


❗ If you'll need to change the default config then you'll need to publish it first: php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Deerdama\\MongoHelper\\MongoHelperServiceProvider

After publishing the package you can edit the config in config/mongo_helper.php. All parameters can be changed

  • connection: default name of the connection is mongodb. You can change that in the config. Plus any specific connection name can be passed every time you are using the command, by adding the connection option (eg: --connection=mongo_2)

    Connection = the name of your connection as it is in database.php The database connection driver has to be mongodb... Duh!!

  • storage: The default filesystem disk for both imports and exports is the local. Uses the storage facade => Storage::disk('local')

    Local disk = laravel's default path for local storage is storage/app/ depending on what you have in filesystems.php

  • directory: By default the downloads will go be in their own directory mongodb/

  • autocast_int: (default = true). If a numeric value is passed then it will be automatically casted as integer. Applies to both values passed for a --where and --update.

    !!! does not apply to floats. Eg. value 5.5 WON'T be affected by autocast_int, use autocast_float for that.

  • autocast_float: (default = true). If set to true then a passed numeric (float like) value will be automatically considered as float.

    "Float like" values eg: 5.5, 15.00, -1.1520, etc..

!!Passing a specific cast in the parameter will always overwrite the autocasts.

Basic Usage

Simply run the artisan command db:mongo-helper and add the correct option based on what you need, some options require a value, details about all of them can be found in the Available Parameters table.

All fatal options (delete, drop...) will ask for an extra confirmation before being executed.

Couple of simple examples

  • php artisan db:mongo-helper --count_all - will output a simple list of all your existing collections and the amount of records in each one of them

  • php artisan db:mongo-helper test_collection --dump --limit=3 --select={name,location,skill} - will grab 3 items from test_collection, will select only the specified fields.. and will simply dump the results

  • results can be sorted based on a specific field eg. --sort=name. To make the sorting descending just pass the option --desc

Using WHERE conditions

php artisan db:mongo-helper test_collection --where="name, IN, [xyz,abc]" --where="id, BETWEEN, [5,99]" --where="deleted_at, NULL"

  • Multiple WHEREs can be passed to the command, however each condition needs to be passed as a separate option

  • Each WHERE needs to be passed as a string (inside quotes), containing the column, operator and value (separated by a comma), eg. --where="some_column, <>, some_value". (Value not necessary for NULL and NOT NULL)

  • All normal operators are accepted: =, <>, >, <, IN, NOT IN, NULL, NOT NULL, BETWEEN...

  • Arrays: to pass a value as array for operators like IN or BETWEEN, just wrap the value inside square brackets, eg: --where="some_column, NOT IN, [aaa,bbb,ccc]"

  • Casting :since mongo is sensitive to the content type, and by default the value parsed from the passed condition will be a string, you can cast the value to some specific type by adding cast=?? as last parameter of the --where condition. For example if the collection had a column named age and the values were stored as integer then passing just --where="age, >=, 18" wouldn't return any result since the 18 would be considered a string. But passing --where="age, >=, 33, cast=int" will make sure that the value is considered as integer. Filtering by datetime can be specified in the cast as well, eg. --where="created_at,>,2020-01-01,cast=timestamp"

    Passing the value as array (inside []) and also adding a specific cast=??, will apply the specified type to each item separately, eg: --where="age, NOT IN, [15,20,100], cast=int" (each age inside the array will be an integer)

    • Some data types can be detected automatically through autocasts if enabled in the configuration. Applies to array content as well.

Download Collections

  • By default the collection will be downloaded as json. The --csv option is available, you need the league package to use csv format composer require league/csv!!!! eg:

  • By default the downloads will be in mongodb/ directory. You can pass a specific path for the current download, eg:

  • Tip.. if you need to download a collection regularly you can just add it to the Console/Kernel.php scheduler, eg:

    $schedule->command(MongoHelper::class, [
        'collection' => 'collection_name',
        '--download' => true

Import Data

  • You can import data into a specific collection from a json or csv file. Eg:

    php artisan db:mongo-helper test_collection --import=test_collection_2020_01_01_03_48_51.json

  • If it doesn't find the file in the full path specified then it will try to find it in the default directory

Update Data

  • Existing records can be updated through the --update option (multiple allowed).

  • Specific records can be targeted through --where conditions. You'll know the amount of records affected when prompted for confirmation.

  • The update option needs to contain the field name to update and the value (comma separated) --update="field_name,new_value"

  • Data Type can be specified as third optional cast argument, same way as with where conditions. Autocasts apply to the --update as well

Eg. update pet and year for specific records in users collection:

  php artisan db:mongo-helper users --update="year,1968,cast=int" --update="pet,chicken" --where="name,like,Kiryu%"