This package is created for testing purpose

1.5 2023-12-31 15:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-30 02:10:52 UTC


Latest Version

This package was mainly created for tesing how the larvel package scafolding and psr4 namespace works

Steps to be followed

Install package

composer require deepak0023/todo

Create dummy database

  • Get into mysql terminal
  • Login with credentials
create database <database-name>

Update composer.json

  • Inside composer.json add the follwing entry inside autoload psr4 mapping
"Deepak0023\\Todo\\": "vendor/deepak0023/todo/src"

Add Service provider

  • Inside config/app.php, add the follwing entries inside the provider array list
  • Since the auto package discovery is added the below settings is not needed . but if it not working you can go for it

Publish package

  • After hitting the command publish the pacakge for the above service provider
php artisan vendor:publish

Migrate tables

php artisan migrate

Please add the following values in the .env with your name



  • Adding todo text to a dummy todos table

Enjoy !!!