
There is no license information available for the latest version (dev-master) of this package.

Startless - Less starting bloc for any projects

Installs: 16

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 1

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


dev-master 2018-04-03 17:10 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 23:24:52 UTC


Table of content

1. installation

1.1 Composer
1.2 or Download
1.3 View reference page

2. Usage @ Dev

2.1 Locate main Less file
2.2 Configuration
2.3 Compress CSS / Sourcemap
2.4 LESS Mixins
2.5 CSS Rules

3. Usage @ Production

What is StartLess ?

Startless is a Less/Css starting bloc for any Html/CSS web application. Startless include base of css reset, normalization, fonts and colors theme.

What StartLess use ?

Startless use LESS/CSS type files.

Fonts theme base on some of Google Fonts like Roboto, Lato, Ubuntu, Oswald...

1. Installation

1.1 Composer

Run this composer command in your terminal :

composer require deefaze/startless dev-master

1.2 or Download

Go to Deefaze/starless repo, select master branch and click Clone or download > Download ZIP or just Click here.

1.3 View reference page

The test/index.html cannot be called directly from file:/// protocol, launch from your own server.

Starless provide a script for create a PHP Server on

Go to Startless root path, open a terminal (CMD on Windows) and run win-php-server.cmd (NB: require a valid PHP > v5.3 installation), this launch automaticaly the index in your browser. If not, go to

Other terminal in your editor ? You can launch CMD into your current terminal (terminalception), run like this :

dev@dev-PC MINGW64 /s/www/startless/ (master)
$ cmd /k

next, run win-php-server.cmd from CMD :

Microsoft Windows [version 10]
(c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Return to your terminal ? run exit from CMD.

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2. Usage @ Dev

2.1 Locate main LESS file

The main file is src/scss/main.less. But this, contain only @import directives. src/scss/Public/ folder is more interesting.

2.2 Configuration

config\ contain Startless config.less, you need to edit this :

// Theme [default, belle, onedark]
@theme-selector : 'onedark';

// Font [default, raleway, ubuntu, roboto, laosov (lato, oswald, overpass), ibm]
@font-selector  : 'ibm';

2.3 Compress CSS / Sourcemap

This is localized into scss/main.less file.
If you use a less compiler who support first line parameter like :

// out: ../css/styles.css, compress: false, sourcemap: false

You just need to set compress or sourcemap to true/false.

2.4 LESS Mixins

components/ contain Less mixins, themes, fonts, no CSS rules here ...

components/themes/ contain all colors themes, you can add yours here.
components/themes.less Startless themes core file.

components/fonts/ contain all fonts configurations, you can add yours here.
components/fonts.less Startless fonts core file.

2.5 CSS Rules

public\ contain all CSS rules. Put yours here. This already contain a basic reset and normalizer, root (:root{}) variables, document parameters ...

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3. Usage @ Production

Compile scss/main.less and use css/styles.css in your project, like :

  { ... }
  <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="vendor/deefaze/startless/src/css/styles.css">
  { ... }

NB : On standard production, startless is not needed, you can deploy CSS in any ways :

  1. copy css/styles.css file in your assets...
  2. set the out parameter in main.less for targeting your assets...
  3. use lessc in terminal (require npm + less installation) and compile to your assets...

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