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Debughub client for Laravel 5.x

0.2.3 2017-10-29 16:23 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-15 19:28:35 UTC


Debughub helps your development process by logging all requests to your application and showing them in application. It helps you find issues in your code faster and find performance issues while still in developemnt.


This package is for plain PHP. For Laravel installation go to debughubs laravel repo

  1. add the package to composer.json in require section "debughub/laravel-client": "0.2.*" for Laravel 5.x and "debughub/laravel-client": "0.1.*" for Laravel 4.2

  2. create new config file in config dir with content:

return [
    'api_key' => '', // Your API key
    'project_key' => '', // Your project key
    'git_root' => '', // (Optional) Path to your git root folder. Used to track git branches
    'enabled' => true, // If client is enabled.
    'send_query_data' => true, // If you want to send the data insterted into DB queries to
    'blacklist_params' => [ // post and get params, that should never be sent to
  1. Add service provider in your app.php config Debughub\Clients\Laravel\DebughubServiceProvider::class

From now on debughub client will send request and response info to

Available extra methods

You can use these methods to add extra information about your application. You can log queries and logs using debughub. All your request and response information will be sent automatically.

DB Queries

To log query use the Debughub::query(string $query, array $data, string $duration, string $connection) method. If you use Eloquent or Query builder, this will be done automatically. If you use some other package to handle the queries, you will need to manually add them to the debughub report. For example if you use a class for all your Database querying, you can simply add this method to the method, that calls the query. Or you can just add it after the query you want to log.

$query - query to execute. You can add a ? instead of any query params, you want to replace in the query. For example SELECT * FROM Users where id = ?; and send the user's ID in data variable.

$data - array of data, that should replace the ? in your code. This will not be send if you disable send_query_data in the config.

$duration - seconds it took to execute the query.

$connection - name of the DB connection. Usefull if your application uses multiple connections


$db = DB::select("SELECT * FROM USERS"); // some imagined DB class
Debughub::query($db->getQuery(), $db->getData(), $db->getDuration(), 'some connection'); // note - the DB class and its methods are just as a example. the DB class is not part of debughub

Or you can have debughub calculate the duration as well like this:

$query = "SELECT * FROM USERS";
$debughubQueryIndex = Debughub::startQuery($query, [], 0, 'some connection'); // note - the DB class and its methods are just as a example. the DB class is not part of debughub
$db = DB::select(query); // some imagined DB class
Debughub::endQuery($debughubQueryIndex); // you dont have to get or pass the query index, if it is not passed, the debughub will assume it was the last query you want to update with endQuery() method.


To add a simple log use Debughub::log(string $data, string $type) method Logs work just like queries. You can use log() method to log just one action for example.

$data - data to log. It can be any data type, arrays and objects will be serialized.

$type ('info' by default) - Name of the log. This will change the way log shows up in the application. It should be info, error or warning.

Debughub::log('something just happened', 'info');

By default the log does not have a duration and in debughub's timeline will show up just as a small line. If you want to measure duration of something, for example API call to external API, you can use:

$debughubLogIndex = Debughub::startLog('something just happened', 'info');
//do some API call or something
Debughub::endLog(debughubLogIndex); // you dont have to get or pass the log index, if it is not passed, the debughub will assume it was the last log you want to update with endLog() method.