Database Library providing a PDO factory and CRUD operations

3.3.0 2025-01-01 04:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-01 04:57:19 UTC



The factory creates PDO objects using \DealNews\GetConfigto read database settings and create a PDO database connection.

Supported Settings



$mydb = \DealNews\DB\Factory::init("mydb");


The CRUD class is a helper that wraps up common PDO logic for CRUD operations.

Basic Usage

$mydb = \DealNews\DB\Factory::init("mydb");
$crud = new \DealNews\DB\CRUD($mydb);

// Create
$result = $crud->create(
    // table name
    // data to add
        "name"        => $name,
        "description" => $description,

// Read
$rows = $crud->read(
    // table name
    // where clause data
    ["id" => $id]

// Update
$result = $crud->update(
    // table name
    // data to update
    ["name" => "Test"],
    // where clause data
    ["id" => $id]

// Delete
$result = $crud->delete(
    // table name
    // where clause data
    ["id" => $row["id"]]

Advanced Usage

The class also exposes a run method which is used internally by the other methods. Complex queries can be run using this method by providing an SQL query and a parameter array which will be mapped to the prepared query. It returns a PDOStatement object.

// Run a select with no parameters
$stmt = $crud->run("select * from table limit 10");

// Run a select query with paramters
$stmt = $crud->run(
    "select * from table where foo = :foo"
        ":foo" => $foo


By default, only unit tests are run. To run the functional tests the host machine will need to be a docker host. Also, the pdo_pgsql, pdo_mysql, and pdo_sqlite extensions must be installed on the host machine. PHPUnit will start and stop docker containers to test the MySQL and Postgres connections. Use --group functional when running PHPUnit to run these tests.