
A Laravel Nova multicolumn filter.

v0.6.3 2020-07-20 17:29 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-21 03:49:05 UTC


Filter for several columns




Run this command in your Laravel Nova project:

composer require dddeeemmmooonnn/nova-multicolumn-filter



new NovaMulticolumnFilter([
        'column' => '', //columns
    $manual_update = false, // Apply filter with the button
    $default_column_type = 'text', // Default input type
    $name = 'filter' // Filter name


Intended use: extend filter, add different options and operators, use it with column declaration in constructor. Or extend again, and add column declaration there.

Create a filter with artisan

 $ php artisan nova:filter UserFilter 

Extend your filter from the NovaMulticolumnFilter and customize operators, options, columns.

Сomprehensive example:

use dddeeemmmooonnn\NovaMulticolumnFilter\NovaMulticolumnFilter;

class UserFilter extends NovaMulticolumnFilter
    public $name = 'Filters';

    protected $columns = [
        // Simple text column declaration
        'column1' => '',
        // Customizing all
        'column2' => [
            'type' => 'email',
            'label' => 'E-mail',
            'operators' => [
                '=' => '=',
            'defaultOperator' => '=',
            'defaultValue' => 'admin@admin.com',
            'preset' => true,
            'apply' => 'customApply',
            'placeholder' => 'input placeholder'
        // For checkboxes
        'column3' => [
            'type' => 'checkbox',
            'label' => 'Checkbox',
            'defaultValue' => 'anything', // Not empty = checked
        // Select type, options in array
        'column4' => [
            'type' => 'select',
            'label' => 'Select',
            'options' => [
                '1' => 'First',
                '2' => 'Second',
            'defaultValue' => '1',
        // Select type, options in optionsCustomOptions() method
        'column5' => [
            'type' => 'select',
            'label' => 'Select again',
            'options' => 'customOptions',
            'defaultValue' => '1',
        // operators in operatorsCustomOperators() method
        'column6' => [
            'type' => 'number',
            'label' => 'Number',
            'operators' => 'customOperators',
            'defaultValue' => '1',
        // Date type
        'column7' => [
            'type' => 'date',
            'label' => 'Date',
        // Using one db column in different declarations
        'column8' => [
            'type' => 'date',
            'label' => 'Date',
            'column' => 'column7',

    protected function operatorsCustomOperators()
        return [
            '=' => 'Equals',
            '>' => 'Greater',
            '<' => 'Less',

    protected function optionsCustomOptions()
        return [
            '1' => 'One',
            '2' => 'Two',
            '3' => 'Three',

    protected function applyCustomApply($query, $column, $operator, $value)
        return $query->where($column, $operator, $value);
    //Also you can override default values

    protected $default_column_type = 'text';
    protected $manual_update = false;
    protected function operatorsDefault()
        return [
            '=' => '=',
            '>' => '>',
            '>=' => '>=',
            '<' => '<',
            '<=' => '<=',
            'LIKE' => 'Like',

Column options:

  • type - input type

    • select - options required, operator =
    • date - using whereDate in apply() function
    • checkbox - operator =
    • text, email, number and other <input type="***"/>
  • label - column label

  • operators - list of column's operators. Array ['value' => 'label'] or string indicating method name. Method must be declared as operatorsYourName

  • options - for select type, similarly operators, but method naming starts with options

  • defaultOperator

  • defaultValue

  • preset - preset columns when filter is empty, applied after opening filters menu

  • column - column name, if you want to use several types for one column

  • apply - custom apply method, that will filter the column

  • placeholder - <input> placeholder


add to nova translation json file (resources/lang/vendor/nova/<lang>.json)

    "multicolumn.select_empty_label": "—",
    "multicolumn.add": "Add",
    "multicolumn.apply": "Apply"


The filter inspired by philperusse/nova-column-filter and beyondcode/nova-filterable-cards