
This package provides the standard Xero functionality for submitting leave applications to Xero

0.1.7 2023-12-11 05:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-11 05:49:37 UTC


This package provides the standard xero functionality for sending leave applications to Xero.

This package provides

  • Tables for leave
  • depends on dcodegroup/laravel-xero-employee
  • events for approval
  • config for approval or not
  • Configuration for the types of leave
  • commands to keep settings updated.
  • button to re-sync

How it works

Follow the installation instructions. Select set if you want to approval requests The events that are fired


  • Leave application created
  • Leave Approval Required
  • Leave Approved - has a listener fire send to xero


You can install the package via composer:

composer require dcodegroup/laravel-xero-leave

Then run the install command.

php artsian laravel-xero-leave:install

This will publish the configuration file and the migrations.

Then run the migrations

php artsian migrate

The following table will be added to your project

id bigint(20) PK IDENTITY
leavable_type varchar(255)
leaveable_id unsignedbigint
xero_leave_application_id varchar(50) NULL # The identifier returned from xero
xero_employee_id varchar(50) NULL # may be redundant becuase its on the user that should be the polymporphic field. But saves a lookup
xero_leave_type_id varchar(50) # The identifier returned from xero stored in the configuration
start_date date
end_date date
units double(8,2) # in case the duration is less than a day
title varchar(50)
description varchar(200) NULL
xero_periods json NULL
xero_exception_message text NULL
approved_at timestamp NULL
declined_at timestamp NULL
decline_reason text NULL
xero_synced_at timestamp NULL
deleted_at timestamp NULL
created_at timestamp NULL
updated_at timestamp NULL


Most of configuration has been set the fair defaults. However you can review the configuration file at config/laravel-xero-leave.php and adjust as needed


You should implement your own frontend to this package. However the model and the events etc are already fired for you. Below will guide you through what you need to do.

Create your own Leave::class model class that extends the packages model.


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Dcodegroup\LaravelXeroLeave\Models\Leave as BaseLeave;

class Leave extends BaseLeave
    use HasFactory;

Ensure to add the following trait to the model you will use leave with. eg App\Models\User::class

class User extends Authenticatable 
    use HasLeave;

Example Vue component to update the status of leave that require approval

     <button class="button primary active">
      {{ currentStatus }}
     <ul class="right">
       <a @click="submit('approve')">
        {{ $t('leave.status.approve') }}
       <a @click="showReason = true;">
        {{ $t('leave.status.decline') }}
       <div v-show="showReason">
        <button @click="submit('decline')">
         {{ $t('leave.buttons.save') }}
       <a @click="submit('pending')">
        {{ $t('leave.status.pending') }}

  <div v-show="hasSyncError">
   <header class="alert danger">
     <small>{{ rowData.xero_exception_message }}</small>
           class="button right"

export default {
 name: "UpdateLeaveStatus",

 props: {
  rowData: {
   type: Object,
   required: true
  rowIndex: {
   type: Number
  rowField: {
   type: [String, Object]

 data() {
  return {
   currentStatus: this.rowData.status,
   hasSyncError: this.rowData.has_xero_sync_error,
   showReason: false,
   declineReason: '',

 methods: {
  submit(value) {
   // this.showReason = false;

   axios.patch(this.rowData.update_status_url, {
    action: value,
    reason: this.declineReason,
   }).then(({data}) => {
    this.currentStatus = data.status;
   }).catch((errors) => {
    if ('reason' in errors.response.data.errors) {
      group: 'general',
      title: 'Error!',
      type: 'error',
      text: errors.response.data.errors.reason[0]

  retrySync() {
   axios.get(this.rowData.retry_sync_url).then(({data}) => {
    this.hasSyncError = false;
   }).catch((errors) => {

<style scoped>



Below lists the routes available within this package. It is suggested you check the middleware used and update the configuration accordingly.

xero_leave.update-status updates the status used for sending to xero when approval is required. xero_leave.retry-sync is an endpoint that can be used to retry sending a leave request to xero in case there was an issue.

| Domain | Method   | URI                              | Name                     | Action                                                              | Middleware                       |
|        | GET|HEAD | xero-leave/retry-sync/{leave}    | xero_leave.retry-sync    | Dcodegroup\LaravelXeroLeave\Http\Controllers\RetrySyncController    | web                              |
|        |          |                                  |                          |                                                                     | App\Http\Middleware\Authenticate |
|        | PATCH    | xero-leave/update-status/{leave} | xero_leave.update-status | Dcodegroup\LaravelXeroLeave\Http\Controllers\UpdateStatusController | web                              |
|        |          |                                  |                          |                                                                     | App\Http\Middleware\Authenticate |

HTTP Resources

When returning the data for Leave you most likely are using a resource. There are some elements you should add to your leave resources. See example below.


namespace App\Http\Resources\Admin;

use Dcodegroup\LaravelConfiguration\Models\Configuration;
use Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\JsonResource;

class Leave extends JsonResource
     * Transform the resource into an array.
     * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
     * @return array|\Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable|\JsonSerializable
    public function toArray($request)
        $data = parent::toArray($request);

        $data['status'] = $this->status;
        $data['user'] = optional($this->leaveable)->preferred_name ?? optional($this->leaveable)->name;
        $data['leave_type'] = data_get(Configuration::byKey('xero_leave_types')->pluck('value')->flatten(1)->where('LeaveTypeID', $this->xero_leave_type_id)->first(), 'Name');
        $data['update_status_url'] = route('xero_leave.update-status', $this);
        $data['has_xero_sync_error'] = (bool) $this->hasSyncError();
         *  Optional
        $data['start_date'] = $this->start_date->format(config('gradcon.date_format'));
        $data['end_date'] = $this->end_date->format(config('gradcon.date_format'));


Communicating with Xero works by firing events. These events have listeners which will fire the listeners and dispatch jobs.

All events accept the Leave::class as the only parameter.

SendLeaveToXero::class send the leave record to Xero. This has a listener blah then then dispatches the job SendToXero LeaveApproved::class When the leave is changed to approved it will fire this event. This will trigger the sending leave to xero LeaveDeclined::class When the leave is changed to un-approved it will fire this event. This will trigger the sending leave to xero (normally an update of the current application) RequestLeaveApproval::class If the configuration parameter laravel-xero-leave.applications_require_approval is true and a new leave request is created then this event will be fired. You can listen to it in your own application fire a notification or email informing who action needs taking.

A request class is already present in this package. You can update and use the code below for your store and update classes in your own controllers.

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Dcodegroup\LaravelXeroLeave\BaseXeroLeaveService;
use Dcodegroup\LaravelXeroLeave\Http\Requests\StoreLeave;

class LeaveController extends Controller
    protected BaseXeroLeaveService $service;

    public function __construct()
        $this->service = resolve(BaseXeroLeaveService::class);

    public function store(StoreLeave $request)
        $this->authorize('create', Leave::class);


    public function update(StoreLeave $request, Model $leave)
        $this->authorize('update', $leave);

        $this->service->save($request, $leave);




laravel-xero-leave:install publishes the configuration file and the migrations

laravel-xero-leave:update-xero-configuration-data will fetch and store the leave types in the database. You can use `--force to ensure it runs now.

You should add it to your app/Console/Kernel.php file to run it once a day. You could run it more often if wanted with the --force flag

     * Define the application's command schedule.
     * @param Schedule $schedule
     * @return void
    protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)


There is no ability to delete a leave application through the Xero API. More information here https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/payrollau/leaveapplications/#currently-unsupported-features.